fourteen // in the woods somewhere

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When I wake up again, it takes me a few seconds to remember where I am and everything that's happened. A brief moment when all my memories are lost and my mind is nothing more than a blissful, blank slate.

But like I said, that moment is brief and it doesn't take long for it all to come crashing back down again, making it feel like I'm being dragged along with it, like some relentless tide using all its strength to pull me underwater.

I finally let my eyes flicker open, finding myself lying in the bed in the small room from last night, the only difference being that it's now daylight. Great. A new day among us where I still have absolutely no idea what's happening in my life.

"You're finally awake then." I hear Harry's voice say and I snap my gaze over to where he's sat on the end of the bed with his phone in his hand.

"What time is it?" I ask with a yawn, reaching up to rub my eyes with the back of my fingers.


"How long have you been awake?"

"About half an hour."

"You let me sleep?" I ask in surprise.

Harry smiles sarcastically. "I was enjoying the peace and quiet."

I roll my eyes, pushing the covers off my body and sliding out of bed. "So, what am I supposed to wear today?"

Harry shrugs. "That's my problem?"

I clench my jaw, walking over to his duffel bag and searching through it, trying not to touch the bloody clothes still left in there. I can still wear my jeans as they're still relatively clean, so I just grab one of Harry's white shirts without his permission, although I don't think he even notices. I disappear into the bathroom to get changed, pulling on my new outfit. Harry's shirt is a little long and I try different ways to make it look better, before I give up and just tuck it in. I move to my face next, splashing it with water and trying to wipe under my eyes as if that will get rid of the black marks that have appeared over the past few days. Giving up on all of it, I let out a frustrated sigh before walking back out to the room.

Harry glances up at me as I do, scanning me up and down and raising an eyebrow. "Is that my shirt?"

I nod, just waiting for the scrutinising comment, but it never comes as Harry just turns back to his phone without saying another word. Weird.

With a tired and bored sigh, I glance around the room, out of the window, and then back to Harry who still hasn't moved. I grit my teeth together, secretly wishing that he could at least do something to make this a little more bearable for me. I understand that his job is to protect me and it's a lot easier to fulfil if I'm kept locked up and hidden away, but I honestly think I'm going to go crazy if I'm restricted to his company and these four walls surrounding me. I feel like I've been wrapped up in multiple layers of bubble wrap so I don't get hurt, don't break or chip away, and as much as I appreciate it, it's becoming suffocating. Being stuck inside this room is suffocating.

"I'm going for a walk." I suddenly announce out of the blue.

Harry finally looks up from his phone to raise his eyebrows at me. "Oh really?"

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