Jay Morks /Banshee

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~Beginning of Jay's Chapter~ 

Jay was still in school , when the mothership had settled over Pend City. All the kids in his class hovered over the window pointing and «ooing» . Jay didn't get up at first it was a mothership and he'd seen weirder things, but that changed when he saw Margo come in and come out angry. If anything he thought Margo would get things straight. He actually was putting all his cards on her but when she came out she was definitely angry. What was he going to do, scratch that, what was the team going to do. Usually The Society would take over threats like this, but they couldn't depend on them, they were gone, missing, M.I.A. When Jay's mentor, Black Banshee, went missing Jay almost lost it. One day he went out---the all did, and never came back. He was like a second dad and it was killing Jay to know he couldn't find him. Jay looked at the clock «10 more minutes» be thought he had to figure out what happened and why they want to «terminate» Earth "settle down students, settle down!" their teacher, Miss Hathaway, proclaimed as she walked back in the class. The air she brought in smelled like roses. Great. It made him think about his estranged girlfriend, Xina. Lately their relationship was going bad, really fast. He cared for her alot and he didn't want to lose her but this going on, It'll give her another excuse to avoid him. "Okay class you guys are worried but I'm sure this will blow in a day or two. Now for homework, you guys will be given a packet on the ancient Roman empire. You will have plenty of time to finish it over winter break."The whole class muttered in unhappiness. «winter break», he thought Jay had totally forgot about that. «Great, we have to defeat an alien race over our winter break» he thought to himself. But it isn't as simple as that, the team had never took on such a big responsibility not like this. "RINGGG" the bell rung. Jay bolted out his class into the hallway, almost knocking a herd of kids down. He busted out the doors of the school, he dialed Margo's number into his phone, quickly there was a quick ring then she answered " Jay?" She said her voice was at a all time low. "Margo , what's going on? What happen ? Why you-" Margo cut him off."We'll talk when we get go the HQ when all of the team is here." Her voice was so chilling, he would dare go against her words."O-okay." He said back . She was angry, of course, she always seemed like she was always angry but, not that angry. Her voice sounded as if she would «terminate» someone if they came one centimeter to close. Jay went to the schools parking lot to pick up his car, Wanda. No one knows where Jay got that name all they know is that one day she was unnamed the second she was Wanda. He got in the car and started it up , he drove to his parents house. "Hey Mom." He said quickly running up the stairs to his room. "Honey!" Jay heard his mother say her voice was worried. "Yeah mom" he replied annoyed. He was looking for his "suit". "Are you okay honey?" His mother said"No, mom I got hit by a car" he said sarcastically. Jay's mother walked into his room right as Jay pulled out his «suit». I know your not planning to go out there Jay?" Jay's mother said her blonde hair fell blocking his view to get eyes. "Of course I am if I don't help who will?"" I know you want to help but I don't want to lose my son. I understand you want to help honey but you have to much to lose." Jay took a deep breath "Mom I can't abandon this world, definitely not this time. With the society gone, we're all that's left and to protect you guys I have to protect this world. "Jay , please just come back okay?" Jay hugged his mom. "I promise I'll be back." Jay quickly went into bathroom and came out in full fear. He wore a body suit that was a dark navy blue, his face covered by a mask his ears covered by ear plugs to block his horrid cry. Of course his ears were immune to such loud sounds but you can never be too safe. "Mom I'll be back." Jay then put some pedestrian clothes on top of his suit. He scurried out the house to his car, Wanda, drove away from his mother's sight. Jay questioned his last words to his last words to his mother, he wasn't sure if he would come back from this. Sure he promised her but that one part of him just wasn't sure. Jay drove to the end of Pend City and parked his car in a safe spot behind the bushes. He then inserted his identification card for the YSOH into a spot in the ground were most people wouldn't think to look "insert voice identification key."a robot voice said "Banshee" he replied back to the voice."Welcome Banshee." The voice said a spot in the ground opened up and Jay went in. Jay was now in the YSOH HQ it was nothing compared to the The Society's HQ in Idaho. They unlike us have transporters, talk about the bitter end. As Jay was walking into the main room, and all he heard was argument. And the top contenders were Margo and Jade, they never got along, never as far as Jay could tell. "Who died and made you queen?!" He heard Jade say. "No one died you pathetic lagtrock." Be heard Margo answer back. "Guys calm it down." Jay said, just walking into the room "We have bigger matters ahead of us." He continued. "I agree with Jay guys." Indigo said. Margo took a deep breath."You all are correct." She said "My dear apologies my friends." Jade rolled her eyes "Yeah, um me too." Something was up with Margo she seemed--different. "Margo, what happened when you went on that ship?" Margo sighed " I knew those people they asked me too join them. I tried to reason but......" Margo didn't finish. Jay could see that Margo was clearly distraught. "Margo you tried the-" Margo cut him off "I obviously didn't try hard enough ." She snapped. That's when Blake walked in. Jay could tell Margo got really got distraught. Blake and Margo were the most serious, and emotionless, and angriest people on the team. But when they were together you could tell they felt something for each other, "We need a plan.Now." Blake said his expression said it all. Jay's face definitely differ. "What do you think we're all here Blake York." Margo said rolling her eyes. You are not making things better." She continued.Blake sighed. " I'm sorry i didn't mean to  psych you out, but we have trouble. Big truble." Indigo ( little impossible) spoke. " Guys, I know we have alot of trouble on our hands but having attitudes and throwing fits is not going to help. Blake's right we do need a plan and quick we only have a week before they start chaos." Jay just stood there as everyone was taking about the problem they had. In that moment everyhing on his mind was bothering him. It seemed like everyting was going wrong. First his beloved mentor was missing, second him and Xina's relationship was going down the toilet, and she wasn't even here yet, third there was a alien threat on the horizon ,and fouth he had to worry about his mother, their safety ,and coming home to his family. As everyone was arguing Xina and Julie walked in (sunkiss and livewire). Xina didn't bother to look at jay. She just kept her head straight working on the rest of the team. " Have you informed of the problem." Margo asked her voice was still..... not Margo. Xina nodded and Julie followed. " Have you guys figured a plan?" Julie asked Blake sighed " no , not yet." Blake said. " I wish the Society were here they'd know what to do." Indigo said. Jay wished the same thing. But they weren't here, and it was up to them to figure things out for themselves. But it did raise the question. The same question theyve been conteplating for three weeks now. Where was the Society ?

~End of Jay's Chapter~

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