Xina Wilks/Sunkiss

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~Beginning of Xina's Chapter~

Xina stood in the midst of it all and watched as the rest of the team talked about/the/fate of the world. Xina didn't care right now. She didn't care about anything Thats an heartless thing to say but it was the truth. She neglected her boyfriend, Jay, because in all truth her mind wasn't right. Xina was a telepath, when she came to earth she found it easy to manipulate the minds of earthlings, that was till she met Jay. Xina fell in love with Jay the moment he talked into using her abilities for good, not for play. But now she was neglecting him, Now a days its become harder for her to control her powers. She kept accidentally reading other peoples mind, she hardly has control. but she didn't want her team to know,  definitely not Jay. All he would do is try to help and frankly this was something she wanted to handle by herself. XIna could feel Jay's attention focusing on her. "why can't you just not care. JUST LET ME GO." Xina thought it was all in her head but she realized she said it out loud. The whole team shifted their attention towards her. "Xina....." Jay said , he knew who it was directed towards she could the way he tried to hold the pain, but it was written all over his face. He was silent.. " Xina is everything alright.?" Julie said the worry was spread across her face. Margo's purple eyes glared right into Xina's. *are you alright Xina, tell me the truth* is what Margo's expression said . Xina didn't answer to anyone she just there and looked at everyone's face expressions. She snapped out of her trance like behavior. "yeah,um,I'm fine." she lied. everyone nodded in her response, then got back to work, everyone but Jay. He stood there with that painful expression on his face. " Okay, I think I got something." Margo said, her voice was in a hopeful spirit, probably in hopes to lighten the mood. " We could hack the IAF computers in hopes of shutting down their ship, therefore their army." Blake sighed. " Where in the world would we find technology that advanced. Their technology overpowered some of our most advanced technology, plus we don't even know where their army is all we have is a ship and a threat." Margo sat in deep thought for a second. " I know what we could use. Its called Hynoias staf, I know for sure it could shut down their technology but...." julie began " But what?' Margo took a deep breath. " The problem is that it is in Hyeoria, and Hyeoria has been placed on probation meaning no one can get in or out."

     { A L E R T  N E W S  W A R N I NG}  The computers hummed, startling Xina.

The big computer began to play the news broadcast. " I'm Becky Conwall from the Pend City Local news. As you have heard and intergalactic alien has entered earth threatening termination. But my news sources have told me that the ship has now left earth. it was just now confirmed that the alien ship has left earths atmosphere."

The whole teamed looked at each other. " That makes no sense, first they come down to earth threatend us. Then leave. " Margo yelled enraged by the news that has been broadcast. " I must agree with Margo it makes no sense. " Jade said actually con-siding with Margo. " I don't believe they left for good, its probably a trap. Julie confessed. " I don't believe for one second they would wage a threat then leave, especially not some intergalactic alien army thing-e . they probably planning something" Indigo said Xina sighed. She was easily convinced that they left for good because she simply didn't want to fight she just wanted some peace and quiet.

     "Guys why can't you just except that they left. Everything doesn't always hava a catch." Xina finally said . Her voice was cold , it seemed to have type of emotion. " Hell, I don't even care." Xina words acted like a knife, piercing into the ears of her teammates. " Xina what the hell has gotten into you. how could say such brazen, heartless things. Margo said her voice was even more enraged.

     Xina started to focus her attenton on Jade. She could see Jade's horrified expression. Xina was uncontroliblly reading everyones mind. Xina's face seemed to say I know your secrets. " Xina stop it what has gotten into you" Jay said his voice was weak and cracked . Xina laughed it was a chilling one at that. Xina kept probing the minds of her teammates , Margo hit Xina with her purple Waveshock knocking Xina over.

     "Hello? Hellooo. is anybody there. Xina voice was trembling.

She didn' t wait for an answer before she plopped down and began to sob. Of course she knew she was unconscious. but the pain was everywhere. She could still hear the thoughts, memories, and secrets of her teammates. It seemed even in her own mind she didn't have the peace that she wanted. "You gotta wake up" Xina told herself. Come on. Slowly Xina began to fade away in her mind back to reality.

    "Xina? You back okay?" Julie said standing over Xina " That was a pretty nasty hit." Julie snickered at the thought of her own comment. "Xina nodded, but she knew she was anything but okay. Xina finally fully awoke from her unconsciousness.

"Xina I-"

"Its fine".

     Xina cut Margo off, She gave icy looked and began out the YSOH headquaters. Jay followed behind her. "Xina wait!" he exclaimed, but she just kept walking. All she could hear was the thoughts of others,everyone. All she wanted was for them to stop. "Xina wait." he said again but she just kept walking, then running. Jay almost caught up to her before she took off in the sky defying the  gravity around her.

     Xina now regretted her decision to leave the YSOH headquarters. Not only couldshe hear teammates thughts but e'veryone below her. All she wanted for it to stop. But it probably wouldn't.


Sometime before the society went missing Xina took trip to Kyros, her home planet. She knew she wasn't on good terms with her family espcially her father. She went there to maybe go and make amends with her family, to have some peace. It was definitely  anything but peaceful.

 Xina and her father got into a confrontation, and thats when she broke her sacred necklace of the Wilkin family which linked her to family and them to her. It also was her source of control over her powers. as long as she can remeber she had always had it to help her keep control but after that she had no control, she was now coping with her powers.

   After Xina broke the necklace she was disowned by her parents, which made her sad, upset and confused. she didn't understand why they didn't love her like they loved her sister T'loria. But she sooned came to realize that they wouldn't care like they should . Xina came back to  Earth , but she didn't tell her teammates about the horrible experience she had just went through. I guess right then she felt that the society and YSOH were her family now.

    But that was then.

~End of Xina's Chapter~

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