Prodigy Imagine

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You and Prod have being dating for 3 years now notice prod have been coming home late with lip stick stains on his shirt were curios but you just let him slide for a couple of times but this time you were tired of his shit

"Prod we need to talk right now" you said seriously 

"About what?" he said 

"Are you cheating on me?" you said "No i'm not cheating" he said "Then explain to me ..every night you'd come home late with lip stick stains or more"

"I am not cheating on you god damn ass " he shouted 

you were shock yet hurt that he lied to you,you burst out in tears

"I'm pregnant with your child and you're doing this to me..your giving me stress which is not good for our baby.." you said choking on your words

you walked upstairs and grabed your packed bag and make you way downstairs "I'm leaving..see you whenever" you said.Prod didnt say anything to you he just looked at you ,as you slam the door tears run down his face he smashed everything in the house..he went up to his room and smashed everything then he went to the bathroom,look for pills fulls the tube with water..he picked his phone up and dial 911

"Hello 911 whats your emergency?" the operator said

"Someone's about to commit suicide" he said

"Who,give me the address"the operator

"Me" he said before dropping the phone in the water.....


"So why did you leave him" your mom asked 

"Well he was cheating and i stressed out and its not go for the baby" you said rubbing your 4 months tummy 

"Well to be honest you shouldnt of leave him..his to humble for is a guy who will never cheat on you..maybe some girl threw her self at him and tried to you know get her off him ?" you mother said

you're mother really love Craig for a son in law.

_________________4 am______________

you couldnt sleep all you could think about was prod ..did you make the wrong decision.? all kind of question ran thru your mind all of a sudden you heard a knock at the sighed and got up and walks downstairs but your mom answered it already it was a police man

"Are you YN???" the police man asked

"yeah" you said unsure to what he about to tell you

"Well ...I'm sorry to say that we found your boyfriend Craig Thomas crippen dead in his was destroy" the police man said handing you a black small box with a letter

you took the box and opened it to see an engagement ring and then you read the letter


Dear YN i am sorry for everything i've done to you,you meant the world to me..i'm sorry for breaking your heart ..i'm just worthless..i'm not the right guy for you i guess..but today i was going to propose to you.for being with me thru thick and thin.i gave you the greatest stress and the greatest joy..I'm sorry..I love you and i hope some one take care of you ..i'll be watching over you..

                                                                                                                                Love Craig T. Crippen

you screamed out fall to the ground crying ..look what you assumed him of cheating ...and you left him to commit suicide


BEEP!! BEEP!! BEEP!!  you woke up to the sound of your alarm clock with the worst headache ever. you turned to see prod sleeping peacefully smiled thinking it was all a dream....

 (Plot twist ;) )

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