Issue #13: Thunder...a Supernatural TLN Sequel

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My music blared loudly outside my windows. Darkness fell on the sky, thunder rumbled in the distance. I parked underneath the trees. I grabbed my pack, shouldering it carefully. The only problem with heading off into the woods is the Thunderbird could be anywhere.


Steve and Paul lugged through the woods, each one with their own set of hiking gear, night vision goggles, and EVM readers. They wouldn’t even be out there all night, but they were ready for anything.

An owl hooted in the night, and they could hear coyotes yipping loudly in the distance, “Man, we shouldn’t be out here!” Paul said. “This is like, a horror flick waiting to happen! All it would take is a hungry bear, and of people lost in the woods—but wait we’re halfway there!”

 “Shut up,” Steve said, shouldering his pack. “Come on, if some little puny girl can come out here by herself, so can we.” Thunder rumbled dangerously close. Steve tripped, smashing onto the ground.

“Are you alright?” Paul asked.

Steve grunted and sat up, “Sure I’m alright,” He stood up quickly, especially when he saw he had slipped in blood. Feathers littered the forest floor, and stained the earth red. He refrained from gagging.

“Come on, man, let’s get going.” Paul stated.

“Shh!” Steve hushed, “Someone’s coming!” Alarmed, they both jumped into the nearest set of bushes and watched.

For a couple moments, nothing happened. Then there was rustling in the grass, and thunder in the night. Hiking boots waded through the tall grass, overlooking the blood and feathers.

“Dude? What’s your brother doing here?” Steve whispered. 

Paul’s eyes widened in surprise, “I don’t know.”

Keith turned and his eye glimmered red in the night as he looked directly into the bushes. “You really shouldn’t be here.” He stated, and stepped over  a bloodied crow.

“Yeah,” Steve said, not seeing Keith’s eyes a moment ago claimed, “You shouldn’t really be here either, weren’t you supposed to leave this morning?” Keith ignored him.

Thunder rolled above the canopy of trees.

Paul stared at his brother questioningly, “What’s going on Keith?”

Keith circled them slowly, each step landing near a dead bird. There was a sickening crunch as his foot came down, “Do you remember the stories we were told as children?”

“Sure,” Paul said, uncertain of where this was going, “The legends of the Sleeping Bear Sand Dunes, the Wendigo, all just children’s stories.”

Keith scoffed, “Sure, all just legends,” He said mockingly, “Do you really think that’s the case, especially coming from a geeky ghost chaser?”

His eyes began to glow red, Paul took a step back. Steve who had been filming dropped the camera, “Oh my god,” he breathed.

“That’s the thing brother, about legends, we prefer to stay that way.”

Paul, a guy who didn’t exactly get along with his brother, took a step back in shock. Still felt he loved his brother asked, “You’re not going to kill us are you?”

“I might,” Fear crawled down his back as Keith grinned.

In the Life Afterword: A Supernatural The Long Night SequelWhere stories live. Discover now