Issue #26: Betrayed...a Supernatural TLN Sequel

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I just thought I'd remind you that I do not own the show Supernatural or any of its original characters. There is a scene that is actually from Season 7 with Sam and Dean in this chapter, and that's only so it could be understood better about Hopes reaction later in the story. Thanks...happy reading.

I sat there flipping through the pages. I had to concentrate on reading it all tonight. Breanna was passed out on the hotel bed. She was only a couple pages behind me before she fell asleep. Still I couldn’t focus, I was too tired. Perhaps I should go take a nap too. But then I had decided to continue reading.

Sam had met a friend called Amy, who had saved his life several years back. She was a monster, unable to control her hunger she had to feed on human brains. But she only killed drug dealers and jerks, a killing spree that I approved of. She usually fed at the morgue where she worked but her child was sick, and he would have died without the proper nourishment. They were arguing about what they should do to Amy knowing what she was.

Sam stood in the room, irritated as he stared at Dean.

“Look, I might be a freak but that’s not the same thing as dangerous.”

“Sam I didn’t say—”

“Its okay. Say it.” Dean rolled his eyes.

“I’ve spent a lot of my life trying to be normal, but come on; I’m not normal. Look at all of the crap I’ve done look at me now, I’m a grade A freak…but I’m managing it; and so is Amy.”

Dean looked glaring at Sam, “Is she, how?”

“She works at a damn funeral home so she doesn’t have to kill anyone Dean!”Sam shouted angrily and his brother looked at him in brief surprise.

“She’s figured out to deal.” He stated

Dean looked at him demandingly, “Ok then well, explain the bodies.”

Sam looked at him sadly, he said, “She’s done.”

“Her freakin’ kid was dying Dean. Put you and me in her position we would have probably done the same thing.”

He did not look convinced.

Sam shook his head, “Look, I know you don’t trust her.Fine. Trust me.”

Dean nods, and then I thought the subject was dropped. Dean went out to get food, a thing that really didn’t surprise me, but then he was at Amy’s house, where he stabbed her in the heart. I got to the part where she was bleeding out on the floor dead, and I slapped the papers down on the bed.

Breanna jumped up from her nap.

He had killed her? Just simple as that?  My heart felt like it was twisting, being crushed from the idea.

Breanna watched as my fists tightened, the knuckles becoming white as I did so. She looked at me in question. “What’s the matter—?”

“Look at the next ten pages.”I growled as I got off the bed, heading towards the door. “You’ll figure it out.”

“Wait—where are you going!?”

Grabbing the key card I slipped outside.

I had remembered when I had first told her my secret.

She asked me, “So can you change whenever you want?”

I looked at her confused, “What do ya mean?”

“Well you know, do you wolf out anytime you can?”

The truth was, I didn’t know, I had told her that it was mainly my temper and instincts that made me wolf out, but I had never tried it for the hell of it before. Right now we were just in some dinky town near Sandusky, not being followed or hunted, in fact being on a hunt of our own. I was so angry that I went for it--allowing myself to become the beast within me.

In the Life Afterword: A Supernatural The Long Night SequelWhere stories live. Discover now