Issue #30: Met at the Crossroads....a Supernatural TLN Sequel

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Please check out the awesome tribute made in the corner! :D

An impala sat parked in the middle of a deserted road. Crickets chirped on the crisp cool night. Scents of apples filled the air

Dean walked through a crossroads, the only thing to keep his attention was the box in his hands. The small little tin he held, which felt like the world in his hands.

He kicked his feet in the dirt, scuffing up piles of sand until he had made a hole. The hole large enough for the tin. Before he had put it in he felt a presence behind him. He turned

It was the daemon. She glared at him, her spirit shimmering in the night. That was when Dean realized she was a simple illusion. He shrugged and started to put down the tin. She growled pissed, her electric blue eyes boring down on him.

The idea was simple enough, trade a soul for a soul. He could find another way out of his contract, as long as Hope’s heart began beating again. He had lost enough people already. He didn’t know if he could handle anymore.

The wolf snarled again, snapping her jaws together in a warning. What was she even doing there Dean didn’t know, perhaps her spirit separated from Hope when she had died, you never know. Either way she was getting in the way.

“What the hell. I’m trying to get her back. Leave me alone.” He started to shove the dirt back where it had been, now over the tin. She snarled and lunged at him.

Fear hit Dean, a horrified part of him knew that she could kill him, even if she was an illusion. She grabbed Dean by his throat and pinned him down to his knees. Her fangs dug into his neck, but they did not break the skin, she was holding back.

As if reading his mind, the daemon snarled and gripped even harder.

He startled backwards, and he sweat dripped his brow. It had all just been a dream. He laid back on the mattress panting heavily. It had felt so real. But still four vivid words were imprinted in his mind.


He shuddered, and decided it was time to get up.


We were given a map, a story, and a dollar store FBI badge.

Breanna was pleased by the whole idea of this. I sighed and tucked the thing in my back pocket. Looked like we were going pro now. I nearly snorted at the last thought and wondered what the story would be this time.

“Come forth everyone…” Carver Edlund said with his hands motioning us into a circle. I stood with my hands in my pockets and stared off in the woods. Breanna was jumping up and down, even Steve and Paul were enjoying themselves. I was just bored.

“In the deepest part of the woods, lays a creature that snatches people in the night. Can we name that creature?” A ton of hands went up like this was preschool or something. The books I read I remembered a creature snatching Dean and the only way they found him was a trail of M&Ms. The creature was human, once before it went cannibal.

“Hm…I don’t know. A wendigo?” I questioned.

“Close but no,” Carver Edlund said. “This is something that used to be human but isn’t anymore.”

“A woman in white.” Breanna shouted enthusiastically.

Great…doesn’t this sound familiar? I sighed, especially when we were all given a flashlight and reminded that salt gets rid of ghosts.

Steve and them looked at the map with their flashtlight. “Aren’t you going to help us?” Paul asked me as I walked along tracing my fingers into the bark of ancient trees.

 “Nope,” I answered simply, “It wouldn’t be fair.”

“Come on!” Breanna pleaded. “Either do it or I’ll make you!!” She gave me a dirty look. I laughed. If looks could kill….

“Either you help us or we call it good.” Steve replied. I rolled my eyes. Ok I was out voted.

With that I began to concentrate more around me, trying to pick up on sounds that no one else could hear. I raised my eyebrows when I heard music.

So we hit the boulevard

 Last Friday night

 We went streaking in the park

 Skinny dipping in the dark

 Then had a menage a trois

 Last Friday night

A woman sat out in the middle of the woods, her long white gown dragging the grass as she plunked down on a stump, an ipod in hand. She twirled through the music, finding her favorite song last Friday night. She didn’t even want to be here, but she was stuck because her boyfriend loved horror stories and some book series.

 She tensed as she saw some tall grass move. She rolled her eyes, she was such an idiot. They were probably people in the contest. She hoped it was her boyfriend Daniel.

She heard a crash.  Then she hit pause on her mp3 player. What the hell? She thought, her fear beginning to rise against her spine. There was another crash.

 And a loud pitched scream filled my ears, it sounded terrible. I covered my ears in pain the same time Breanna, Steve and Paul looked in the direction that the sound was coming from.

“That didn’t sound like part of the game.” Paul shuddered.

The daemon took over, possessing me and I let her. She ran forward towards the sound and in the blackness our vision adjusted to the night.

Blood dripped off fangs and into the leaves. The woman neck was snapped, and the ipod dangling out of the mouth of the creature like floss.

The hellhound tossed her aside, snarling. Something else was coming something big.

In the Life Afterword: A Supernatural The Long Night SequelWhere stories live. Discover now