First Year

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•6 Months Old•
"Aaahhh!" Mitchell cried. We can actually tell who is crying because they cry so much. Even at 6 months they cry just as much.

"Oh my god I just put Mitch back down." I groaned.

"Amelia hurry up before he wakes up Parker." Owen mumbled into his pillow, still half asleep.

"Aaahhh!" Parker cried.

"Haha, come on let's go." I said, getting out of bed and throwing a pillow at Owen who hadn't gotten out of the bed yet.

"I'm gonna get you back for that." He said, following me into the boys' room. I went to Mitchell who was sucking on his fingers as he wailed. I picked him up and he was kicking his legs.

"What's the matter little guy? Hmm?" I softly said to him. His cries died down a tad and he tangled his wet and slobbery fingers in my hair which was in need of a shower. It's hard to find a time to shower with two 6 month old boys. I brought him to my hip and bounced him up and down. His cries came to a halt and he nuzzled himself into my chest, his tiny arms dangling across my abdomen. I walked to the living room to find Owen asleep on the rocking chair with Parker sleeping tightly in his arms. I looked down at Mitchell who was wide awake with his head on my chest, biting his fingers. I grabbed the pacifier and slid it in his mouth. He let his left arm dangle like the right arm and I kept walking around the house as Mitchell's eyes became heavier and heavier until they stayed closed.

•8 Months Old•
We were getting ready for work and I had just finished dressing Mitchell and I put him in his carrier. He was an attention hog, so of course he cried as soon as I lifted him away from the warmth of my body. He kicked his legs and screamed and cried. I somehow managed to buckle him in and he had his arms in the air, wanting me to carry him.

"It's okay buddy. You want your dinosaur?" I said softly, kneeling down and grabbing his stuffed dinosaur. He clutched it out of my hand and sucked on his fingers. I grabbed the pacifier and slid it in his mouth.

"Amelia, you ready to go?" I yelled upstairs.

"Hold on Owen! I think Parker has a fever! I need to take his temp! Check Mitchell too." She yelled down. She came down with a thermometer. Sure enough, Parker had a fever. I checked Mitchell's forehead which was warm. I unbuckled him and picked him up. I checked his temp and he had a fever too.

"I guess we're staying home today." I said, taking off Mitchell's shoes. I set Mitchell down to play and I called Bailey.


"Hi, Amelia and I will be out. Our boys are sick."

"Okay, well I hope they feel better soon."

"Thank you."



We decided to give the boys a bath. Amelia got their pajamas and cleaned the house while I bathed them. We dried them and changed them. We brought them downstairs. We set them by their toys. Parker needed a tissue, he had snot running down his nose. I grabbed a tissue and tried to wipe his nose. He started to wail. I picked him up and he kicked his legs and flailed his arms. I held him still so I could wipe his nose.

"There we go buddy. It's all better now." I said. He kept crying.

"You want to go see mommy? Yeah! Let's go see mommy!" I said, giving him to Amelia. She sat down on the couch and cradled him. I handed her his stuffed frog. She slid his pacifier in his mouth. She started singing to him and he fell asleep. She got up and put him in one of the baby beds that we keep in the living room. Mitchell was sucking on his fingers and he started to whimper. That's his way of telling us he's hungry. I picked him up.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2016 ⏰

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