How?! When?!

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I opened the door and let the irish goofball in. "H- How?" "When??" Was all I could manage to say. Jack wasted no time as he pulled me into a hug before speaking into my chest.

"I wanted t' surprise ye Mark!" We stood there, arms wrapped around each other in a tight embrace that felt both like forever and not long enough. He smelled like wood and a forest after it had rained. Sorrowfully at least on my end we let go. I looked into his eyes. The color of the waves when they run into the sand at your feet. I hated the ocean with a passion, but the ocean in he's eyes I would willingly lose myself in the dark unknown of that ocean if it meant Sean would stay.

I cleared my throat and mind before responding to Sean. "Well you succeeded! Where are you staying at Jackaboy?" I asked, hoping he wasn't too far from my house and in a safe area.

"I'm supposed to go check in to a hotel nearby, I haven't paid yet and the reservation only works if I pay before 8pm." He responded casually.

"Well you don't have to anymore! You can stay in the guest room," I exclaimed before adding "if it's ok with you.." I finished, blushing intensely.

Tone it down Mark, you're going to make him feel uncomfortable.

After a short pause while Jack thought on what I had offered, Jack bit his lip and finally spoke. "Mark, are ya sure? I don't want to bother ya." He finally said.

"It's no problem!, Really! You'd be doing me a huge favor since I'm all alone in the house for this month" I replied.
Jack's eyes lit up at my assurances. And he spoke with happiness in his voice.

"Well in that case, yes I would love to stay with ya!" And with that I pulled Jack inside before shutting and locking my front door.
"Alright come on I'll show you around."
"This is the living room, to your right is the kitchen and to the left the hallway to the garage.
Straight ahead is the stairs to my office and on the right side are the bedrooms and a guest office.
On the left side is a small gym/excersise room, a relaxing room, another guest office and a large bathroom.
My room is right next to my office, and your room, well it's right next to mine. The master bedroom also has a medium sized bathroom while the guest room does not. Oh where are my manners here Jack let me take your suitcases to your room and let you get unpacked."

"Alrighty then I'll let you settle down for a bit, I'm going to go get dinner started and you better prepare yourself for an asskicking because we're going to do a video game marathon, that is if you feel up for playing some games."

" Sure Mark, I'm just going to take a quick shower and then I'm all for it!"


Mark stretched his arms over his head as he yawned. He was exhaused. Sean was already fast asleep beside him. I glanced at the screen. "Are you still watching 'The house of Flowers'?"
I looked over at Sean my eyes examining his face. I wantes to touch the stubble on his chin, and those lips.. Oh god he's lips looked so soft and inviting. Such a beautiful pink. I shook my head trying to shake those tantalizing thoughts out of my head. Where did those thoughts come from??  I rubbed my face and glanced back down at Sean. Sleeping like that will leave him with a stiff neck. I should move him. It's just because I dont want my best friend to wake up with a stiff neck, Not because i want his smell to envelope me and the opportunity to examine his face closer. Repeating that mantra in my head, I scooped Sean up bridal style with only a slight scare due to Sean snuggling closer to me as soon as I picked him up. Too soon we reached my guest bedroom. I placed him down gently on the bed and pulling the comforter up to his chin, My thoughts strayed again to what it would feel like to kiss those pink lips. Without realizing it, I was merely a hairs breath from his lips. Our breaths intermingling. I gave a start as Sean mumbled or more like moaned my name. My scare was over soon as I realized he was still asleep. Heart beating rapidly I left the room and collapsed on my lonely cold bed.

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