Strange feelings

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Sean's POV
I awoke with a start confused as to where I was. Last thing I remember was that me and Mark were watching a movie. I removed the comforter from my body and putting on my slippers I exited the guest bedroom. I went to go check on Mark. I stood there watching him sleep for a while. He looks cute... I thought. Wait! Jack, He's YOUR FRIEND! You can't like him. Plus he's probably straight. I sighed to myself before walking to the kitchen. I started cooking for Mark. Hopefully he likes it....

I awoke to the smell of bacon cooking. I smiled to myself. Jack is such a great guy. I yawned as I climbed out of bed and walked to the kitchen. As I was nearing him I heard him singing his song.
"I like cake, cake, cake,cake, and cake, cake, cookies, cookies, cake!" He sang happily.

I chuckled looking at him. Dawww! Look at his smile. He is so cute. I thought to myself. I sighed knowing that I couldnt fight these feelings anymore.

"Jack?" I said quitely.

"Oh goodie y'are awake, I was just about to go wake ya." He said happily.

"Jack." I said a bit louder.

"Whats wrong mark?" He said walking over to me.

"Jack, I- Im in love with you."

Jack's POV
I stood there shocked. Was I dreaming? His voice brought me back to my senses.

" Im sorry jack, I shouldn't have said anything. Ill just go back to my room now."
Before Mark could run away I grabbed his hand.

"Mark, look at me." And then I kissed him.

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