Different partners

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Jacks pov

Jessie and I rode in silence. I couldn't help but stare at her, she was really pretty .

I hear a noise down by the dam. I look at Jessie.

"Shh come on" I whisper

She nods , we dismount our horses . We hide behind a tree watching , I can see Mary . She's cant be with him not him. But last of all I see Mick, Mick Scandlon.

I can't hear what they say. Slowly I see Mick lean in towards Mary, my Mary the Mary laying Down on the blanket .

My breath gets caught in my throat . Their lips touch .

After watching for about a minute , Mick pulls Mary into his lap. They start more passionately now. I can't watch .

"Come on "says Jessie

I quickly mount Lighting , and canter off towards town .

30 mins later

We hide behind the Butchers .

"Ill be back I'm going to find out information from my trap "says Jessie

" uh I don't take kindly to orders " I say

I see some traps come round the corner. I pull Jessie up against the wall and kiss her. She doesn't object instead she puts her arms around my neck. I grab her waist and pull her closer. I pull back . The trappers aren't there.

"Can I go now" Jessie asks

"Yeah you can go now" I say

After a couple minutes I see Jessie return.

I hear a cart come past and halt.

It's Mary

Anger flashes through me .

"Hello " she says

"Hi, how are you " I say

" good you better be along , Sargent Scandlon will be here in a minute " she says

" oh Sargent Scandlon how do you know that?" I say

" oh I was ju- he just will I saw him" she says

" gonna introduce us " she says

" oh yeah , this is Mary she runs the pub ". I say

Jessie nods her head.

"Jessie Mary .Mary Jessie . " I say

" um we have to go " Jessie says

" oh alright cya around" Mary says

Jessie grabs my arm and we walk off.

"Can we trust her "she says

"Yeah we can trust her" I say

We ride into the forest at a fast canter.

"I have to go back in tonight " Jessie says

" why?" I ask

" my trapper has more info tonight then right now"

" ill come with you"

"No you won't"

"Why not" I demand angrily

" because Jack it's to dangerous for you to come with me"

"Then I shouldn't let you go , why don't you go in the morning ?"

" it's too dangerous then besides I like a midnight ride"

Mary's pov

As I trotted back into town , everything was at peace.

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