Cant come

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Jacks p.o.v

" Mary can't come " I say

She looks at me . Shocked.

"Why not !" She says angrily

"You run 3 businesses , when I asked you to marry me , you said ' do you just expect me to pack up and leave!" I say . Just realizing Jessie was there.

"That's the thing Jack I packed up sold the places and Bill now runs the pub, Tommy stays at Miss Katherine's !"Mary exclaims angrily .

2 weeks later

Everything had gone a breeze.Mary had come . I always knew Conrad wanted my girl . We were going back to our old old hut. We were almost there. I heard a click ,

A click like on a gun. I look up and around , I can see the tip of a boot pointing out from beside the tree. I murmured it to Jessie . Soon we were all aware if the plan .

"1,2,3 " I said

As quick as lighting we had our guns out and were galloping back the way we had come . Gunshot here gunshot there a massive bang. Someone's got a rifle. I kick lightening harder keeping my head low to the neck.i see a bundle of mounted troopers galloping at us . It's no use were surrounded.

30 mins later

Each mounted police had hold of our horses reins with our hand tied to the saddle. We were starting to come into Houptoun ( pronounced hope ton) . The whole street watching us . I see Mary looking at the pub . We stop in front of the gaol. They have 2 people holding each rope attached to one person. They drag us down into a small cell.

2hours later

They chucked us a bit of bread and water. I stare hard at each bloody trooper . If I had my friggin pistol they'd be bloody dead.

I see Mary . My x-Mary . Standing with mick watching us . I knew she'd always run back to him . Him , my x-best mate the 2 of us the stupid cattle duffers . Until he got shot and I made no attempt to get him out as he believes I was paying EVERY BLOODY TROOPER!!! To help but no.

That's when I realised nothing would be the same .

5 hours later

It was dark in the cell and the moon was high in the sky . The boys and I had a mattress and a thick blanket taken from our saddles. As we hadn't killed anyone we could easily get 10 years hard labour .

The next morning

They gave us a hard boiled egg,toast and orange juice for this mornings brekky. They said were traveling to ghoulbourne for a trial.

As we loaded onto the prism cart shock is solid iron all the way around ,

I started planning the escape from this hell hole.

Hey guys finally uploaded got another 6 chapters written but ya know there mainly drafts. Who can guess how jacks gonna escape , let me know!

I'm going to do a new thing it's called fact for a chapter so I will put a really interesting fact in each chapter .

Today's is

Your thigh bone is stronger than concrete .

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