Chapter Two

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I woke up the next morning feeling refreshed, but I still had to face school. I rolled out of bed and sat upright. I looked at my phone, and I got a few more comments from the video. Cool.

I went into my bathroom and danced around as I got ready. I really did love to dance, even if I lied in front of my teacher about it. No one taught me, I just sort of did a couple whips and neigh neighs and bam, I was making videos for my channel. I still figured out a way, to make the music videos without showing my face. I just need a lot of makeup and sunglasses, then I put my hair up in a cute bun or poop. Sorry. I just don't want people to think I am a fake.

I have been so shy. When i was little, I wasn't at all. I was proud, and open, but then my "friends" told me I only had those talents because I copied them. They would make fun of me for "being who I wasn't" and I totally became silent after that. Although I am actually kind of glad, that I didn't stay their friends, or else I would have been in, "The School Squad". A group of 8 girls who did EVERYTHING together, and were like the "mean girls". Ugh, I know. This sounds like one of those 'cheesy 80s high school movies', but the only thing in my life that was different from one of those movies is that, I don't get the guy. We really don't have "a guy" who everyone adores, but I do not have "a guy" in general. Except for Grant Gustin. He is my fictional lover.

I get downstairs, and I pat Michael on the head and enter the living room, where I find my mom trying this yoga video thing. I tilt my head, "...Mom?" I had scared her, because she tipped over on to her back. Woops. "Oh, hey honey." I laughed a little, "Michael and I are going to leave." She nodded and regained the balance in the previous position. I motioned Michael out the door and I followed him. We walked to the nearest bus stop. "Aspen? Is high school fun?" I cringed, because really, it wasn't fun, but I couldn't let him worry. "Of course! Why do you ask?" He shrugged, "I don't know, it's just that. You always seem depressed when you come home from school." I looked away. Ugh, he was one smart kid. "Oh... You, don't need to worry about that. It's nothing." He smiled, as if he were relaxed by my answer and watched as the bus pulled to a stop in the front of us. The bus doors opened and he stepped up a step, but then he got off and ran to hug me, "I love you Aspen." I cradled his head, "I love you too." He let go and got on the bus. I watched his tinted body move to the middle seat and sit down.

After the bus had left, I walked off to school. The bus doesn't come in the morning to my bus stop so... That means I get my walking in for the day. By the time I got to school, I had about thirty minutes before school started so I went to my locker and waited for Erin. I found her waddling down the hall with all of her books that she brought home from yesterday. "Aspen!" She yelled. She struggled over to me and plunked down all of her bags. Then she put her hand on her hip and as she pointed at me she said, "Never...Never, get sick in High School. This-" she points to the pile of books, "Is a nightmare." I laughed really loud, and everyone then started staring at me. Yep...I stopped laughing.

"Well, uh-uhm let's p-put this away." We started to put her books in her locker when we both got a tap on the shoulder. "Um, excuse me? Move." We both turned to face Jenna. "You mean, Move PLEASE?" Erin crossed her arms. Jenna looked at both of us confused, "Well-- No. My locker is right there, and... You are in the way so--" I rolled my eyes. "Well, excuse me. Is little miss mini mouth actually going to talk?" I shook my head and moved Erin's stuff. As Jenna smiled, Erin looked at me with shock.
What are you doing? Erin mouthed.
You see, Jenna is right in the middle of me and Erin, and it so frustrating. I mean, why couldn't her locker be on the OTHER SIDE of the school? Nope. Right in the middle.
"Have a great day ladies!" Jenna blew a kiss and walked off with her squad to 1st Period.

"Gosh Aspen, that went well." Erin shook her head. I shrugged as I pulled out my Spanish book, "I-I guess I would rather get out of the way--" "Than be in her way?" I rolled my eyes and smiled, "Sure. Yeah, whatever." We got into homeroom right as the bell rang, "Good morning class!" Said our teacher (who happened to be our math teacher, goodness). "So, for a quick moment I wanted to talk about the open house we are having for next year's new students. I need some people to be there for the open house, to sort of answer questions from the new students and just to talk to them and get to know them." Everyone sort of groaned, but the teacher shushed everyone down. "I need you guys to do it, since you will be juniors and seniors next year. If you do not volunteer, I will have to choose you guys." Jenna raised her hand high and she looked around, as if we were supposed to be ashamed. Then all of the sudden, Erin raised her hand. "I will do it too...and so will Aspen." I shot a staring glare at her. Are you serious? I mouthed. She smiled and turned back around. "Alright! We have three girls. Any guys?" Alec raised his hand, and so did Max. After a couple minutes we had 10 volunteers. "Well, thank you all for volunteering, other homerooms are asking for volunteers so I am sure we will have enough." She put the sheet away and shooed us out the door.

Erin and I walked down the hall and turned the corner to the foreign language wing, but we were stopped by Jenna, "Hello, fellow volunteers." She scowled. Erin smiled, "I am so glad that we get to work together!" Jenna rolled her eyes as she focused them on Erin, "You just want to get me so, so angry Don't You?" Erin faked confusion, "What? You are too funny." Jenna found that she was getting no where with Erin so she turned to me. "and you! What is up? Aspen finally wanting to be sociable?" I looked down. Jenna smiled and brushed passed me, "I know I can always depend on you to boost my ego." I continued to walk, the opposite direction of Jenna. Erin follow behind me, "You need to become more sociable and stuck up." I looked at her weirdly, "Isn't that a bad thing?" She hesitantly nodded, "Y-yeah...but, in your case, it... yeah, it is perfectly fine." She nodded, reassuring herself. "Isn't weird that she comments on the stupidest stuff, like volunteering at open house?" I questioned. Erin shrugged and nodded, "Yeah I guess so... She doesn't like it when we 'copy her', sounds stupid really."

We got into Spanish and sat down. After yesterday, I put Grant Gustin on my notification list on all social media except Snap chat, because he doesn't have that yet. I guess I have found this new freaky, stalker love for him or something, because I have started this thing that whenever he posts, I like it right away to try and get first like. So far, the closest I have gotten was at 358 likes. I set my phone down next to my books, and got out my homework. On Instagram Grant posted a photo right when the teacher started talking, but I wanted to get that like. I brought it underneath my seat and typed in my password. Come on, Come on. Hurry up.

I got to Instagram and quickly liked the photo. Oh my gosh, I can't believe it... first like! I commented on the photo, First like! Woo hoo! I looked up and no one was staring at me...Woo Hoo! I guess... I don't know...

I shut my phone down and lived through the rest of school.

And After School.

And At Night. Night it the best time of day for me...and morning...if Jenna isn't bugging me about something.

I was in my bed at 10:00, I was tired, but I couldn't fall asleep. I grabbed my key and went into the attic.

I wasn't planning on video taping tonight, but I couldn't fall asleep. I decided that it would be an unannounced live video... fun right? I went online to my channel and only 5 of my followers were online. I started the camera, "Hey guys. This is an unannounced live video, so if you see this later, don't feel bad." I giggled. "So, the past day I could not stop thinking of Grant Gustin. I just put him on my notifications for all of my social media, haha." I came to a pause... what to say, what to say. "Well... Any one want to comment?" ...After A Couple Minutes... "Okay... Nevermi--"

GrantGustin- Hi.

Oh my goodness.


GrantGustin- Can't sleep?

I squinted my eyes, even though he couldn't see them, "Yeah..."

GrantGustin- Sorry, I can't...

I laughed and said in a very Doctor like manor, "Well what seems to be the problem?"

GrantGustin- You.

Yeah...I stopped laughing..."Me?"

Grant Gustin-Yeah... I cannot stop fantasizing over you... Ha I guess I am your Fangirl.

I smiled, "Seriously?" I noticed that people had left from the website, so it was just me and Grant. Ohhh Yeah... This is SO amazing... I new he was being sarcastic but he made it seem so real... Through text 😂.

GrantGustin- I am like, you're number one fan.

"Haha, I'm sure you are."

GrantGustin- This was fun.

"It was... Me fangirling over you and you fan...guying over me... Grant, can we PLEASE do this more often this is SO AMAZING."

GrantGustin- Yeah, sure. We'll talk later.



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