Chapter Five

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I tried hard to keep my sandals on but they wouldn't stay. I kicked them off and I ran a couple more blocks and froze at the bus stop. There was a police car with a little tiny backpack. I looked frantically around and found Michael insisting that he would sit on the ground. I ran toward the car, and as I approached the police man looked at me.
Woah. Mr. Kessler?
My 4th grade teacher, who I had a MEGA crush on when I was little, was now a police officer?
I turned toward Michael as I pretended that I didn't know who the man was. "Michael! Oh my goodness, I am so sorry." I kneeled and hugged him. "Hello, ma'am. Is this... Your child?" He smiled and then I knew he remembered me. I blushed, "Sir, no I... This is my son-brother, sorry. Brother." He smile faded but he didn't seem to have any negative emotions. "How are you Aspen?" I picked up Michael off the ground and made him stand up. "Uh-good, um..." I looked at the back pack he was holding and took it from him. "Aspen--" I turned away and put the back pack on Michael, "You okay Michael?" He nodded and hugged me... Tight. "Um... Well, thanks--" "Hey hey hold on." He grabbed me by the shoulders and forced me to face him, me having no choice but to look at him. He stared at me and forgot that he was holding on to me, and then quickly let go. "Aspen, you left a child alone. Anyone could have taken him." I cringed. "Um yeah... Sorry." He continued to stare like he knew something about me that I didn't know. "Is everything okay Aspen?" I squinted in confusion, "Wha? Yeah, I am fine my brother is just... Important to me." He nodded. He didn't believe me, but he nodded. Was there something wrong with me? Did I look a certain way? "I'm sorry, Mr.Kessler it just seems like you're thinking that something wrong with me."  He shook his head..."No nothing, nothing in... Outward appearance..." He smiled...again and walked away. I turned to leave before he could stare at me again. I carried Michael all the home.
"Michael?" "Hmm?" "I'm sorry."
"I know..." "And what do you think of that?"
He looks at me and stares into my eyes, "I think that you are very sincere about that. I forgive you." I kissed him on the head and then set him down. "Hey, where did you learn what sincere means?" He smiled, "My teacher uses to big of words, so we sort of figure them out after a while." We entered through the door and Michael dropped his backpack on the ground. I followed him into the living room where he played with his toys and I, sitting in silence. I didn't feel right, I didn't feel normal. So I just sat and thought.

Grant's POV
The next morning (Friday) I made my way to the next school. It was a giant school and Everyone knew me. I don't think I ever got a time by myself. My shadow was about the biggest guy fan you could be with it getting too weird. I think I could use the word "Hate" at this point. I just hoped that the open house tonight would be a little different. I got home and ate supper with mom and then we left to go to the open house. I posted on Instagram that I was in the car going to the school and then scrolled through the comments after I posted it. I turned off my phone once we got to the school. There were a bunch of people in the lobby, but once we got passed there were a bunch of teenagers sitting around and talking. They all had name tags, and since I didn't get one, they were probably already going to the school. Then I directed my attention to two girl coming towards me...

Aspen's POV
I went home before the open house so that I could get Michael and bring him to his friends house. Then I got back to the school and helped set up tables. I found Jenna and we got our name tags. Even though Jenna was my partner she didn't talk to me before hand, which I didn't even care about because Erin was there, so we went to the first table and sat down. Then people started coming. Jenna and I brought one girl around and got to know her a little. Once her and her parents left, we were about to separate but then Jenna noticed that... that Grant had arrived. She pulled me over so we could meet up with him...

Grant's POV
The girls came up to us and one was dragging the other by the arm. One girl stretched out her arm for me to shake it, and I took it. "Hello, Grant? Yeah, My name is Jenna." She turned to the other girl as if she was eyeing to her to say her name. "Uh-fum-ya Aspen..." I giggled... Yup... She's a fan... She ushered me to follow them as they brought me around the school. They took me to the court yard, "Any questions?" I looked at the other girl. She was silent the entire time. I turned to Jenna and asked her, "Why should I come to this school? What is so great... Do you think?" Jenna thought blankly for a second then grinned. "Because the Flash Fan goes here." Aspen perked up her head in shock and horror. I was SO excited. The Flash fan went here. I smiled, "Thanks!" Jenna's head perked up and Aspen shrunk... Lower...
They took me around the school back to the front. I got some pictures with people and then we left. I am totally going here... And I am going to find out why Aspen was so disturbed...

Aspen's POV
I felt horrible when Jenna spoke of the Flash Fan. How did she know? Did Erin say?! We took Grant back to the front and got him to his mom and as they were leaving I pulled Jenna to the side. "How did YOU know that the flash fan went here? Who told you?" Jenna shrugged and pulled away, "I didn't, I was lying... I didn't know the flash fan went here..." She looked at me weird. Shoot. She figured it out. She understood... Three people knew about my existence and one was her. Me, Erin, and her. "Aspen... No way... You KNOW WHO THE FLASH FAN IS?" I sighed with relief then sucked up a lie, "No... No I don't... I was just c-curious? Curious." She squinted and started to get frustrated with me. Though one was for sure now. She will be looking for the Flash Fan. Me, technically, but I couldn't help it."
I ran to Erin and told her we needed to go. I told her everything that happened. Although she didn't seem to scared, "Aspen, what is the problem? Grant will be like, your best friend (besides me) and he may even like you." I sunk, "I just wanted him to think I wasn't who I was... I'd never think he would want to come looking for me."

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