Chapter 13

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***Anastasia's POV***

~~~~~~~~~~~ previously ~~~~~~~~~~~~

I remembered who I really was. Where I came from. What had happened to me.

And then I realized what was happening.

I stepped away from Harry.

"Anastasia?" He asked worriedly, stepping forward. Before he could reach me I stepped back again.

"I-I Im sorry." I stammered, shaking my head.

Then without a second glance I turned and ran off. I didn't have to look back to see the expression on his face.

I already knew that I had broken his heart.

Oh, Anastasia.

What have you done?


***Still Anastasia's POV***

Tears stung my eyes as I ran away.

"I'm so sorry Harry." I whispered to myself.

Just as I was, the burning heart sized ball of pure emotion started to move. It's path became that of my veins and it moved as fast as my heart would pump it. It zig zagged in circles around my chest as I ran out the entrance and down the street.

I ran into the first alleyway that crossed my path. When I was halfway down the alleyway it stopped in the middle of my back between my shoulder blades. All this time still gaining heat.

Within less then that of a fraction of half a second it settled and split like a large cell into two smaller circles. The circles attached themselves to my shoulder blades and began to literally cook my insides.

The flesh on my back steamed; the agonizing pain causing me to trip, drop my mask, and knock both heels off my feet.

I got up and continued to run down the alley as fast as I could. The energy transported to my legs was being drained away and directed to that of where my flesh was being cooked.

At the end of the alley I turned the bend went down a new alley. My pace had slowed to barely a jog. It was like my body and I were thoroughly exhausted but the cells themselves were high.

I tripped again but found that I couldn't get up so I just sat there on my hands and knees trying to bear the pain of being cooked alive inside out. The flesh melted and turned into a fast sizes bubbling mass each pop of a bubble like being whipped with a fresh hot still glowing piece of coal.

I screamed.

The bones that were my shoulder blades were softened into cartilage and the bright red blood turned skeleton white and grew into giant white arcs behind my back. They gleamed eerie silver in the moonlight as they cascaded over my back and hardened not bone. For my blood gravity seemed to turn upside down for huge scarlet streams of blood slid like snakes up the bone.

The bone numbed as out of nowhere most of the blood formed into muscle and nerve. It glistened with a thin slimy clear coat for a moment before that too disappeared and was covered by actual skin.

But it didn't stop there.

Particular spots began to melt and boil and more bone grew from the giant arcs like branches from a tree. But unlike the arcs they weren't covered in so much blood and muscle and nerve and the bones themselves were very thin.

The separate spears of blood poked holes through the freshly formed skin and rose up just a few inches before widening to and then thinning to what felt like paper. The blood cooled, turning white and not hardening but softening.

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