Chapter 17

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***Anastasia's POV***

Wait, what?

Did Niall just say what I think he said?

I shook my head as a few more tears ran down my face. "No, Niall. You don't understand."

"Then help me understand. Please," he pleaded. "I can't stand seeing you like this."

I looked at him. Like really looked at him.

You know how they say eye contact is important when you talk to someone?

That's because the eyes are the gateway to the soul. And if you're brave enough to look into someone's soul, then you're brave enough to do anything.

That, and it just helps when you're trying to read someone's feelings.

That's what I'm doing, I'm reading Niall's feelings. And right now it's sincere.

I sighed and rustled the feathers on my wings.

"It's a long story."

"That's okay," he smiled. "I like long stories."

Lets see what you think of this one though, shall we?

I told him everything. He already knew that I was an angel, but what he isn't know was why I was down on Earth. So I told him. I told him about Ruby and her dying wish. I told him about Ruby's family and her siblings, Daniel, Teresa, Rose and Allison, and why they needed me.

And that was the easy part, telling him why I was here. The hard part was telling him about me and just exactly who I was.

But I started like this.

"And that girl, Diana Willis? I know her."

"You do! Aw I could've told the girl at the door who was looking for her! Where is she?"

"Not where, Niall. Who."


I took a deep shaky breathe. "Niall, my real name is Diana Willis. Anastasia is my middle name."

Niall's eyes grew huge and his jaw dropped open. I could tell that he had dozens of questions circling through his mind. But I wasn't done.

"And that 'girl' at the door? She's probably an angel too. Most likely, she was my friend Belle."

That was probably one of his questions.

"Now why was she looking for me? Well, I don't know, but I can guess."

Niall shut his mouth and awaited my answer.

Long story short, "I'm in love."

Niall's eyes seemed to suddenly drown in a sadness as blue as they were and confusion clouded its waters.

This was going to need another long explanation.


One of the most annoying things in this world (or any other) = long explanations.

I would just say, 'Oh, never mind!' And throw the topic away, but unfortunately this was not one that could be so easily dismissed.

"They're looking for me- the other angels- they're looking for me because Ive fallen in love. You see, Niall, angels aren't supposed to fall in love. We're not human, but we can feel. We're not alive, nor are we dead, we're somewhere in between. We're recycled souls who look after the inhabited ones. 'The inhabited' being humans. Angels have 'powers' so to speak, but in order to maintain those powers we give up solidity of a living body and the ability to mate directly with one another. Living organisms are to mate, with and only with, other living organisms of their species. So, angels, being considered not alive, aren't to mate with the human species. We actually aren't, and I don't think we're capable of, mating with one another either."

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