Chapter 7

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{6 Months Later, A Week before Christmas, 3:00AM, Tuesday}

I snorted up another line of coke, leaning my head back to stop the bleeding from my nose before hitting the stage. It’d become a routine, couple shots, some drugs, and then it was show time. “And last but definitely not least, our special dancer, putting it down every night here at Club Skye, Lady Loooooove.” I heard the announcer introduce me in his bellowing, raspy voice, I took a deep breath, downing the rest of my drink and walking out, swaying my hips to the beat, it was my favorite song, Crush On You. Listening to the faint sound of Lil’ Kim rapping over the speakers, I wrapped my fingers around the poll, using my arm strength to pull myself up and swing my body around the pole quickly, then spreading my legs to slow myself down, flashing a seductive smile to the gentlemen in the front, they immediately threw tens, twenties, even hundreds, I dropped down, spreading my legs and rolling my hips around, undoing my skimpy top with ease, shaking my breasts some. I came back up slow, bending over and shaking them in their faces, one of them tried to get a grab, I smacked his hand down tenderly and shook my head, strutting away, switching my hips as I walked through the curtains behind me, I put on the silk robe that was hung up by the dressing room door, closing it up before I walked in to the sight of Marcus hugged up with that Jessica bitch, she had her tongue all down his throat, I cleared my throat as I continued to stare at the back of Jessica’s head, Marcus finally glanced up at me and fumbled over his words to find an excuse. “Save it,” I gave him a look and walked over to Jessica, who looked at me with a hint of fear in her eyes, I stared at her for a long time, “you know you’re a sick, and disgusting slut,I put emphasis on the word, pronouncing it carefully, I practically spat at her as she backed away from me, her eyes widening as she noticed the rage building up and sparking through my eyes. Marcus did the right thing to do and scurried out before I had time to get him next, that’s okay, I’ll have his ass as soon as I get home. I reached up, gingerly wrapping my fingers around her delicate, cream colored neck, and squeezed as tightly as I could, her eyes widened more; they were practically bulging out of their sockets. I pulled her down so that my mouth was near her ear and whispered to her calmly. “Bitch, I don’t fucking like you, and I can easily ruin you and have you put out, selling yo’ hussy ass on the corner of Broadway, Marcus may have you think I’m a punk ass bitch, but trust me, you try pulling some shit like this again I’ll have you out of this club within the next day, keep fucking with me.” Releasing her neck, I brushed her aside, noticing Marcus standing from the doorway, staring at me with a hint of confusion and slight irritation. “Yo, what the fuck was that about Lay?!” I looked at him, smacking him across the face, “you runnin’ around with this skank ass bitch behind my back, Marcus! What the fuck is that about, huh?!” He glared at me, rubbing his cheek as he stormed out of the dressing room, driving off and disappearing around the corner. I cleaned up my vanity, gathering my clothes and slippers and walked out of the club, leaving Jessica on the floor, out cold for the night, I chuckled to myself, “sweet dreams, bitch,” and got in my car, speeding off to the place I knew as home.

{4:00AM, Same Night}

Jingling the keys in the door, I heard the sound of Jaiden’s soft whimpers coming from behind the door. Hmph, I wonder why she was fussing, usually Paris was good with putting her to bed, I guess she was just giving her a hard time tonight, or it might be her fever keepin’ her up this late. Swinging the door open I let out a blood curdling scream, Marcus was standing over the balcony, handing Jaiden by her onesie. He snapped his head towards me, his eyes were blood shot, I ran toward him, trying to reach for Jaiden, her whimpers soon leading to loud cries and eventually screams. He taunted me with her, waving her over the railing, slowly removing his fingers from her shirt. I screamed louder, “Stop it! Marcus give me her!” He laughed in my face, I was trying to reach her but he kept moving my hand away. “Marcus, give her to me! Let her go!” He smirked at me, his free hand shaking some, he was on some type of acid trip…or even worse, a mixture of drugs and alcohol, he was out of his right mind. I reached for her one last time and he moved her further over the side. His words slurring he sneered at me, hiccupping then chuckling some, “Alright, I’ll let her go.” And I screamed as loud as I could lurching for her as he let go of her completely, dropping her below until I heard a thump and the sound of a man grunting, but I didn’t hear her. I didn’t hear my baby, I scrambled over to the balcony’s railing, looking over it and down the six floors of the apartment building, I covered my mouth gasping some until I heard the faint sound of her whimpers coming from below, I held my heart and pushed Marcus out of the way, rushing down to see her, seeing Paris unconscious on the couch on my way out, I dialed 911, explaining my situation, my heart jumping from my chest as I rounded the corner to see Jaiden, hoping that my babygirl was okay. Whatever the case was, Marcus was going to die.

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