Chapter 4

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{9:00PM, Thursday Night}

Smoothing over my pencil skirt, fixing the small creases in my blouse and placing my hair in a high bun on the top of my head, I got ready for my interview with Marcus. I looked at the card, dialing his number to let him know I was on my way. I felt a sense of nervousness even though I knew I’d have the job without speaking a word to him or anyone else, but I was happy because he promised me a big bonus, and that’s really all I needed, money. Stepping into his office, I ran my fingers over the sleek black desk, picking up the small picture frame that held a photo of him and a woman I assumed was his girlfriend, she was pretty, light skin, had to be Spanish at least…of some Latin heritage. “Having fun there?” I jumped at the sound of his voice, dropping the picture frame, causing it to shatter all over the floor. “Uh…sorry I was curious...” I quickly bent down to gather the broken glass and placed it carefully on his desk before taking my seat in front of him, he looked even better in a clearer light, and that smile…oh that smile could light up a room itself, blinking out of my trance I looked at him intently, waiting for him to speak. “Well, you got the job,” he smirked, looking over my résumé closely, glancing up at me, “your shift starts in an hour,” he threw a skimpy, sparkly, golden dress at me, “get ready for your first day.” I looked up at him in amazement, trying to contain my excitement, I jumped up and hugged his neck tightly, “thank you so much! You won’t regret it, I promise!” I ran out of his office, looking for the dressing room that was boldly labeled, ‘employees,’ and quickly got dressed, walking out into the lighted floor, with my tray in hand nodding my head to the faint music that began to play.

{3 Weeks Later}

“This is how we do it, it’s Friday night and I feel alright, the party’s here on the west side.” Twirling around, serving drinks and mingling with the customers I was feelin’ the best I’ve ever felt in months, I dropped my job at Foot Locker, and worked full time at the club now, I had the money I needed with no strings attached. I shimmied over to Jay, seeing her in her usual spot with Rakim, even they seemed to be getting better, they were happier it seemed and they rarely fought now. I was getting closer and closer to my goal so I could finally move out of her place and get one of my own, and I could finally have Jaiden with me again. Finishing passing out the drinks on my tray, I retreated to the bar accidentally bumping into Marcus’ star girl, Jessie. “Oh whoops, sorry Jess…” she rolled her eyes, thinking I couldn’t see and plastered a fake smile on her face, “Oh, it’s fine Lay, I know how you waitresses can be so clumsy,” she sneered at me in her high pitched and whiney ass voice, I glanced at her and continued filling drinks onto my tray, ignoring her rude remark. She walked around like she owned the place or something, she was only special because Marc seemed to favor her the most, I would never fathom why but I guess he saw some kind of spark in her, I glanced down at her ass. Or maybe it was her body he was infatuated with, cause with that attitude ain’t nothing pretty about her, at all. She trailed her hand down my side, looking at me with a hint of empathy in her eyes, almost as if she was pitying me or something, I frowned slightly, wondering at what her thoughts were saying. “You know you could do so much better if you’d just used what you got,” she smirked grabbing my ass, licking her lips seductively. I flinched away from her, swatting her hands down, I know this bitch did not just make a pass at me. I set the tray down and smacked her across the face, wrapping her hair in my hand and pulling it back to the point where she was clawing at my hands and whimpering for me to let go, I hissed in her ear quietly and feverously, “bitch I swear if you ever fucking touch me again I will slice your fucking throat, got that?” I shoved her away from me, shaking my hand out and picking up my tray, continuing on with my job, later that night I knew I’d get a call from Marcus, questioning my actions, I didn’t give a fuck though, his bitch shouldn’t have touched me and it wouldn’t have been a problem, would it?  

{That Night}

I laid in bed, fiddling with my necklace that Jaiden and Paris bought me, she was getting so big and Paris was doing a great job with her, and to think all this time I thought Paris would be a horrible mother, she’s actually quite good at it, I think she’s just lonely, that’s why she’s so bitter and angry, nobody wants to have a huge house and riches with no one to share it with, even though I knew she’d never admit that she needed someone in her life. Speaking of a special someone, me and Marcus had been getting closer ever since I started staying late at the club. He was a wonderful guy, very sweet and nice, I could never understand why he seemed to hold Jessica on such a high pedestal, but I guess he must see something in her that I don’t, like I said before, body on ten but the attitude is a no. I thought about what she had said to me earlier, about the whole using what I had thing. I assumed she meant becoming a stripper, and taking the stage one night, I tossed the idea around in my mind. I know I said I’d never do it, but I was so close to getting what I wanted, if I could just make a couple hundred I’d have enough to put a down payment on a new apartment, but if I made a couple thousand every night I’d probably be able to get a new apartment and a new car. Turning over on my side I contemplated the idea, I mean it couldn’t be so bad, just get up there, strip down and shake my ass a bit. It’s not like I was gonna sleep with anyone; I’d just be allowing men to drool over me and imagine their biggest fantasies. I sighed in frustration; I couldn’t believe I was actually debating over this but if the money was that good, I’d at least try it out and see, and if I didn’t like it I’d stop, simple as that. Staring at my phone I carefully scrolled to Marcus’ contact, and shot him a text, ‘I got a proposition for you, we’ll talk tomorrow,’ and fell back on my bed, covering my face and blocking out the thoughts that swarmed in my mind until I fell into a deep sleep, the last time I’d ever have a peaceful night in bed.

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