I was in love.

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I was in love.

I don't know how this came about. But it did. In high school, I wasn't really the type of girl that would have boys falling at my feet with every move I made. I was different. I wasn't much of an intellectual student, nor was I sitting at the table full of gorgeous, skinny girls. I was, well, me. I had a good amount of friends, not too little and not too many either. I'd say hi and bye to the faces I recognized but didn't talk to them as often as I would like.

People knew me, and I would say they respected me, but God knows what went on in their pretty little heads when I walked by.

I had never been in love before. I was a stranger to it. I dreamt about it, about how nice it would be to have someone love me. To have someone who cared enough to tell me it was going to be all right. To have someone look into my eyes like I was the only person they wanted to be with. I dreamt of someone who would have no problem with having to hold me at night because I needed to be in their arms or with kissing me as passionately as they did in movies. That's what I dreamt of.

This, though, wasn't at all what I had expected it to be. It was November of 2012. Talking to boys was really out of my comfort zone. Not because I thought they were too out of my league to talk to, but because they were just really obnoxious and couldn't keep their hands to themselves. At least, the ones I knew. As I was saying, it was October of 2012, and my best friend had planned a get together at her boyfriend's apartment one afternoon.

"What do you mean it's not going to be just me, you and John?" I asked impatiently as my best friend tried her best to ignore my annoying interrogation I had been pulling from 8 in the morning.

"I mean, there are going to be a few other strangers that you'd have to meet," she replied with that dumb smirk that had been planted on her face for a while now.

What can I say about Vanessa? Well, to start off, she is one of my best friends. The annoying and stubborn one, might I add. We had planned to get together after school at her boyfriend, John's, apartment. Just us three, like it always was. But of course, knowing Lauren, the plans always changed.

"And by strangers you mean..." I snapped, hoping she'd finish my lingering sentence.

She looked at me with the smuggest look, the look that said, 'I have a boyfriend, you don't, so back off, I'm doing you a favour.' and said,

"Relax, would you? You'll be fine, it's not like I'm asking you to give the guy a blow job!"

Taken aback, I winced and scoffed at her disturbing comment and strutted off to class without her by my side.

You know, sometimes she could be the most amazing best friend any girl can ask for and sometimes she'd turn into this annoying little pest that got on my nerves, and today, she was the ladder. I mean who did she think she - wait... did she just say 'guy'.

Turning around slowly, and making my way back to her desk, I pulled her stupid phone out of her hands to get her attention.

"What do you mean by 'guy', Vee?" I asked her cautiously, making sure I heard right.

She smiled at me with her crooked but still beautiful smile and said, "You need to meet a guy, Wren. I can't have you moping around anymore, it's too much, and it will ruin you one day. Just trust me, okay?"

She knew how I was with guys. She knew that I couldn't even so much as stare at a guy in his face. But she was right; I can't act like this anymore. Looking at her in defeat, I blew a raspberry and gave her, her phone back,

"You're lucky I love you," and with that unnecessary but true statement, I walked back to my desk and plopped my "pretty little butt" as Vee would say, on my chair.

As the teacher started class, I found it incredibly difficult to pay attention. Who was this guy? Was he older than I was? Younger? Did he have blue eyes? Was he tall? Was he sweet? Or did he have some sort of edge to him? What the hell was his name anyway? Was he funny? Did he like Justin Bieber? Of course he didn't, he's a guy. Just shut up Wren, I sighed.

"Wren, is everything all right?" my English teacher asked, sounding concerned.

I looked at her with a confused look plastered on my face but nodded my head in agreement. Did I say that out loud? Oh god, I really need a boyfriend.

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