Evil in the night

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Faith was sat in her room, trying to come up with a way to make everyone believe that there is something off about the Winchesters and their little bitches. So far she couldn't think of anything, she knew there was no way Buffy would believe her unless she proved it, but how was she supposed to do that?
"Knock knock" Faith glanced up at her door to find Sam stood there.
"What do you want?" She asked, annoyed at the fact that he was there.
"Can I come in?"
"You're basically in anyway, but sure" she sat up in her bed "shut the door behind you though" Sam closed the door as he went to sit on the edge of her bed.
"Listen Faith, I know you thought we were here for you, but we aren't, so you can stop worrying okay." Sam looked Faith dead in the eyes as he said it.
"Oh. Well why are you here?" She asked, now concerned it was something bigger.
"I can't really say, it's. Ugh I don't know how to explain, we need something, and this is the only place we can get it."
"So you were chasing me why?"
"We knew that you would lead us straight to what we needed. And you did, here we are in Sunnydale. But, unfortunately Buffy is kicking us out, me Dean Crowley and Cas, we have to be gone by morning." What?! For some reason Faith was aching for them to stay, how was she supposed to kill them if they left?
"Don't worry, I'll convince her to let you stay"
"Really?" Faith nodded
*knock knock* Faith rose and walked to her door.
"Sam?! Are you in there? Come on we gotta leave!" It was Dean.
Faith opened her door.
"No Dean you don't have to leave, I'm gonna convince Buffy to let you guys stay. Wait here" Faith left the room and went to Buffy's. Okay Faith think, think!
"Faith?" Faith was stood outside Buffy's room and Buffy had noticed her stood there.
"Hey B. Can I come in?" Buffy nodded.
"B? What's wrong? Have you been crying?"
"It's nothing, it's stupid" Buffy said wiping her eyes on her sleeve.
"What's up faith?"
"Okay so, I was wondering if you could let the winchesters and their bitches stay? Just for a few days, they're no help to us if they're not here, we can keep an eye on them" Buffy was stood thinking.
"Yeah sure okay." She said after a minute of thinking.
"Yeah. On one condition, I get to kill the Angel if they step out of line"

"Sam? Were you gonna try it on with Faith?" Dean asked, still stood in Faiths doorway.
"Huh? Dean I'm not you! Don't be stupid, I was just putting her mind at ease, telling her we aren't here for her"
"You didn't tell her the real reason though right?"
"Jesus!" Dean jumped, behind him was Crowley.
"Hey Crowley, and no I didn't tell her the real reason, just that we aren't here for her"
"Hey urm guys?" Faith had showed back up
"Buffy says you can stay, for a few days, no more than a week"
"Thank you sweetheart, it means a lot" Crowley said as he walked back to the room where Castiel was.
"He's cute!" Faith said
"But a demon so you know, the urge to kill him and stuff" faith laughed
"Okay well, Sam we should really be getting back to our research." Dean said as he started to walk off.
"Right. Thank you Faith. It means a lot" and with that Sam left Faith.


Okay guys, thank you so much for reading, so far we have seen a Dean & Buffy and sort of a Sam & Faith, but I was thinking and I've decide to put it to a vote. You can either vote for Dean&Buffy, Sam&Faith, Dean&Faith or Sam&Buffy
Which ever one has the most votes will be the relationship in this fan fiction. I'm not sure when I will be writing the next chapter but I will let you know, thank you guys :)

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