The first time

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Buffy walked soundlessly through the cemetery, hoping that tonight she'd catch a vampire, making her hunt worthwhile.
"Come out vamps. I'm right here!" Buffy threw her arms in the air and spun around. Nothing.
"Damn what is wrong with these guys?! No vampires in like a week? I might as well have took a holiday"
"Buffy!!" Buffy turned around to find her Scooby gang running towards her. She smiled, knowing that now she could go home and not worry about them being out alone.
"Xander, Willow, Tara, Spike....and DAWN?! DAWN WHAT THE HELL?!" Dawn dropped her head and looked at the floor. Buffy instantly jumped to conclusions.
"Why have you guys brought Dawn out here?! You know I don't like it when she comes out when I'm slaying I don't want this life for her"
"Buffy it's not like that just list..." Xander started to say, but he cut off when he saw something, he stared off towards the woods.
"Xander, you okay?" Willow asked. Buffy spun around, wanting to know what was so important that he couldn't tell her why her little sister was out hunting for vampires. Then she saw it.
"Well hey B, didn't think you could lose me so easily did you?" Faith smiled her evil, cunning smile.
"Faith, what the hell are you doing here? Why, why... Why have you come back? You're lucky Dawn's here otherwise I'd kill you where you stand!" Faith laughed. Buffy walked to Dawn and pushed her behind her.
"Don't move unless I tell you to" Buffy whispered to Dawn, who nodded slowly. Willow grabbed Tara and started whispering in her ear. Probably telling her to not worry but to run if Faith does something stupid Buffy thought to her self.
"Well what a warm welcome, I would've thought you'd love to have me back B. Especially because of all this weird shit with these four guys" Faith started walking towards them.
"What four guys?" Xander demanded.
"You mean you don't know? Four guys, one real tall, other three about average size? They been wondering around here a lot, killing every vampire or demon they see, they don't even hesitate, I love it, their awesome." It suddenly all made sense to Buffy, these guys, whoever they are, are the reason she can't find any vamps or demons.
"Buffy, we should take her back to the house, see what she has to say about these guys, see if she has anything worth saying that could keep her life" Spike said to Buffy. She jumped, forgetting that he was there.
"Good idea, come on guys lets go. And Faith, keep a good distance away from my sister will you"
"Sure thing B"
"It's like you never left..."

As the gang walked back to Buffy's house Faith suddenly jumped and hid.
"Faith?! What what's wrong?" Xander asked wearily.
"Those are the guys! Those four guys, well that's them. Over there by the cafe... Well?! Do something I don't think their human kill them already!!"
Buffy laughed, "and why would I do that? You're obviously scared of them maybe I should invite them over, see why you're so scared?" Faith started shaking.
"Here" Xander handed her his coat and wrapped it around her, Faith smiled, not knowing what to do or say.
"Well hi guys, mind if we borrow your friend there?" Everyone spun around to find the four guys standing beside them.
"Sure, as soon as you tell us who the hell you are and what you're doing here?" Willow said, calmly and collectively, like she'd done it a thousand times.
"Of course, where are our manners? I am Castiel, these are Crowley and Dean and Sam Winchester" the one in the trench coat, Castiel, pointed to each of them as he said their names. He sounded...not human, almost like he wasn't used to the language he was speaking, the way he pronounced his words was, odd.
"So now maybe you're gonna tell us your names?" Dean said. He reminds. me of me, the leader, ahead of the rest of the Buffy thought to herself. All of a sudden the tall one, Sam, pulled out a few bottles threw them to his friends and they starts spraying water on all of them. Spike screamed, the rest just couldn't come to terms with what had just happened.
"VAMPIRE!" Dean shouted, and lunged towards Spike, Buffy reacted quick enough, running to Dean, knocking the stake from his grasp, kicking and pinning him to the ground.
"First rule in Sunnydale; don't come to my town and try to kill my demons. Trust me, he's not evil, he can't hit people, he has a chip in his brain the prevents him from harming humans, which is why he is working with us. So why don't you shut up and tell me what you're doing here huh?" Dean was stunned, he'd never known someone so controlling, so demanding, he liked it.
"I'm a hunter, so is Sammy. Cas, is an angel and Crowley is the King of hell...yeah he's a demon" Buffy laughed.
"So you judge my friend for being a vampire and go to kill him yet you're working with a demon?" Dean grinned, it was oddly satisfying to Buffy. She blushed and stood up so that Dean could get up.
"How about we all go back to mine? We can discuss why you guys are here, what you want, and we can also figure out what Faith is doing here. Deal?" Buffy asked putting her hand out to Dean. She pulled it back after a second
"And no randomly attacking friends?" She added.
"Deal" Dean put his hand out and they shook hands. Buffy led the way, thinking all the way home, how she was going to fit all of these people into her small three bedroom house...

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