the torment.

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3rd person pov:

Iochi had just recovered from the hospital. She was living in a rundown Apartment just on the edge of the village...

As Iochi walked through the village, she received looks of hate and disgust. Unlike Naruto, their was no decree to stop the adults from gossiping and spreading rumours, or even telling their children.

As a result, everyone, viewed her as a monster. Even sosuke didn't want to talk to her... though secretly, he still thought of her as a friend.

Iochi befriended Naruto. However, after a month, Naruto began to grow distant towards her as the rumours around her grew worse and worse.

Iochi was however still friends with Shikamaru and still got along with Mr Nara. They understood that it wasn't her falt.

Eventually, even Choji joined their small group of misfit friends, cloud watching...

Iochi smiled and laughed, however, the situation in the village was just getting worse...

Fruit was thrown at her, she, literally, could only visit certain places to shop for food. Equipment, she was already good friends with the shop keeper, so she would visit eather really early or late so he doesn't have a problem with business.

As for clothes... there was only one tailer in town, and people only went there if they really needed clothes. So they wour happy to have some business from her.

She survived. But the glares got worse. Eventually, people started to try to beat her, but every time they tried, vines would block them.

Iochi would train in secret to develop her powers. Her grades wour above average in academics... however, she put up a facade that she was incredibly weak, so her p.e and weapons wour just below average.

The Hokage knew, and understood her reasoning.

Truth be told, she was at Chunin level. However, the time of her leaving was fast approaching.

The Hokage gave one condition as to when she left. She had to take the genin exam and pass. Then return when she turned 12.

She still has half a year before she has to leave.

Iochi pov:

Their glaring again... next time I go shopping... I'm using a transformation Jutsu.

So I'm 7 and a half, wanna know what my birthday present for turning 7 was, Naruto saying he can't be my friend any more. A photo with shikamaru and Choji, rubbish being thrown at me by the villagers, Sakura and Ino not being mean for the day... sasuke hanging out at the Uchiha clan grave with me for half an hour to moran.

I also got to eat ramen on the Hokage's tab, a tone of Dango from Gai and a card dropped on my head by a crow/raven, no name was signed, but I think it's from Itachi... the card said happy birthday... and had a bingo book (the one with criminal's pictures and bounty info).

Zetsu managed to visit and told me some useful stuff about different plant's... one's I've never encountered. His dark side gave me a human pinkie bone... I wasn't too disturbed... though he said it was fresh...

Let's just say after he left I scrubbed it clean an made some adjustments... (made hole in bone, put metal clip, threaded on string.) To keep it, as a less suspicious item.

My last present was a free bowl of ramen for dinner... from Tauchi (sp?) At Ichiraku ramen for dinner... I had that free bowl, then ate another three, I paid for the other three...

And left to home.

Now however, I'm being told to move out of the apartment, due to 'abstraction of business'.

Stupid land Lord. I managed to convince him to let me stay the next (last) six months before I leave.

I also had some help from the Hokage, so, it worked out okay.

Time skip 6 months:

3rd person pov:

The young girl wearing a black robe with a ninja head band around her neck, was in front of the gate to the village.

She carried a small traveling bag, bingo book, map, Ninja tools and other travel necessity's. She looked back at the village, before turning back to the entrance, taking her first steps outside the village hidden in the Leaves.

Then she ran. 'So this is what it's like to leave the village... I'm glad I came up with a way to support myself for the next four years before I have to return.' She thought to herself as she ran, looking at the bingo book in hand.

And with that thought in mind she set off, on an adventure... passing by an uncharted mountain range... oblivious to the lavender ringed eyes watching her every move.


I dare you to guess what's gonna happen.






???: BE NINJA!!!!~

me: uhh... ok?

I was gonna say, till next time, eat da chocolate cupcakes!!!! =)

I am Iochi Sorra Umai.Where stories live. Discover now