Mika sensei!!!

51 4 3

I really don't own Naruto. I do own my own pictures though...

Mika pov:

* later by about a month*

Iochi has memorized all the hand sign's plus seams to have some of her own... I have looked into her two clans and found quite a bit, on them...

I've decided Iochi has a right to know of there blood line trait... I'll also tell her about the Yuki... maybe the Uzamaki as well.

"Iochi!!! I'm going to tell you some very important things... all to do with your blood line."

I told her.

"Hai!!! Mika sensei!!!" She grinned... Ok that was cute...

"First I'll tell you about the umai clan. They wour a small clan with two blood line traits, though both never emerged in the same person, and they wour also said to only show up once every 16 generations." I started.

Her face was like this - e.e - as she listened intently.

"The first was the Kekeigenkai sign-less wich enabled the use of non elemental Jutsu to be done without hand signs. As well as some less complicated elemental Jutsu." I said.

Now she looked amazed.

"The second, is to have all the chakra elements. Well, all except time... Well, basically, light, dark, lighting, water, earth, air, Fire and that's it." I finished.

Iochi looked confused... oh that's right, I still haven't told her about the chakra elements... or chakra nature... I'll just give her a a short scroll to explain...

"A Ninja need's chakra to preform Jutsu, however to preform elemental Jutsu, a Ninja must have the correct chakra nature to be compatible with the Jutsu, or the Jutsu will not only fail, but also risk the life of the Ninja using it." I explained pointing at the pictures on the scroll.

Now she looks like she's understanding it, I'll move on.

"Now the Sorra clan also had a unique Kekeigenkai. Only one in 60 generations was actually born with it. The ominous words, I am the wonder of cursed faits, is part of how you know that you have it. The second part is being able to understand plants and trees... but in order to fully activate it one must experience true pain. Once fully activate, one has the ability to conjure up and control plants. This Kekeigenkai is called, forest of eternity." I explained.

Recognition was on her face. "Mika sensei... I think I have that one..." Iochi said weirded out.

"Ok.... Iochi, I'll also tell you about the Yuki clan. Hm?" I asked her.

She blinked twice. "Sure."

I nodded, "the Yuki clan had the Kekeigenkai Crystal ice release. A blood line trait so powerful, the people of water country, began to hate and fear them. After the war most of them wour killed... the rest however, went into hiding to avoid ridicule." I explained sadly.

She teared up... "I think I recognize that Kekeigenkai Crystal ice release... I can freeze an unfreeze water..." She said scared.

I smiled softly. "Really? Well, ya don't have to hide it from me! =)" I exclaimed.

She cheared up immediately. I decided to tell her a little about the Uzamaki... not to much though.

"Your also related to the Uzamaki clan... your granny. Ok, well basically the Uzamaki clan specialised in seals and sealing Jutsu. Uzamaki clan members offten have a strong life force and great reserves of chakra." I briefly explained.

She smiled, "my family all sound rougher interesting..."

I smiled back, "so. Like ta see what chakra nature's you have?" I asked. "Sure!!!" She grinned back.

I gave her seven separate peace's of chakra paper. "This is called chakra paper, channel your chakra into the paper and the paper should react by showing your chakra nature." I explained.
"Ah... Ok Mika sensei!" She separated the pieces of paper before concentrating chakra into each of them.

I was shocked. The first paper went black (shadow), the next started to glow (light), one was getting soaked (water), another split in half (air), the next scrunched up (lightning), one caught fire (fire) and the last one went brown and crumbled away (earth).

"Well... you have all the chakra elements..." I said with eyes the size of plates.

Iochi pov:

I learned a lot today!!! ^.^ Yay!!! >ω<

(To be continued...)

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