Character profile:

57 4 2

Iochi Sorra Umai.

First name: Iochi.

Clan/s: Sorra, Umai, (also related) Yuki, Uzamaki.

Like's: Dango, Truth, sweets, fruit, watching the sky (clouds or stars), Green, black, white, red, gold, silver, blue, violet. Dragons water, fire, earth, plants, storms, static electricity, books, the wind, taking naps, being lazy, playing, throwing stuff.

Dislikes: cruelty for no reason, meanness for no good reason, betrayal, liars, dogs, being alone, spicy food....

Personality: childish, kind, crul, responsible, funny, statistic, basically... bipolar... but not at the exact same time... except never rood.... unless absolutely necessary.

Hair: pitch black.

Eyes: Crystal bluish, with some green.

Skin: pail.

Memorable features: has a light blue diamond shape under both eyes, and a water drop shape in the same light blue on her forehead.

Current clothes: A long black robe and bandages.

Preferred weapon: poison senbon.

I.Q.: to be assessed.

Age: in Naruto: 3-4
In our world: 17-18

Birth date: 28/4/1998

Current situation: permanent memory loss of original life.

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