Chapter Two

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FINALLY AFTER 10 EXCRUCIATING PAINFUL MONTHS, HERE IS CHAPTER TWO. I know a lot of you guys sent a quiet "Fuck you" to us, and we're really sorry for taking so long. We had a really fun time with the word "package".  Haha sex muffins at their best. <3

Chapter Two

(Asher’s POV)

We were flying down the road in our high tech van that was designed specifically for our missions. It was all black on the outside with tinted windows,  it’s interior filled with monitors and other surveillance equipment that Richard would have a field day with. Freak. Of course, this meant that the back seats were ripped out so the four of us sat uncomfortably on the floor, while our resident pretty boy Rhys occupied the only seat at the wheel.

“Asher, we’re almost there. Read over the case file so we know exactly what we’re supposed to do.” Rhys commanded.  

“Why me? I don’t like words, I nominate Lil.” I shot back. Lilia just glared at me for few seconds before rolling her eyes.

“Ash you’re an idiot. Give me the damn file.” She snatched it from my hands and I grinned at her in return. I could always get out of doing shit like that, it was quite easy when everyone thought you were mentally incapacitated. Yeah that’s right, I know words like mentally incapacitated. The lads had no idea how smart I actually was, it was all part of my master plan to TAKE OVER THE WORLD. Just kidding, they don’t pay me enough for all that. I pondered these thoughts until I realized that Lil had been briefing us the whole time. Shit.

“So that’s basically it. We go in, take down our targets and retrieve the package. That’s the most important part, we can’t mess that up. You guys got that?”

Leo and Richard nodded in response, I just gave her a blank look. Shit, Shit, Shit. Why do I always space out on the important parts. She must have picked up on the panicked expression on my face because she just stared at me with a knowing look.

Lil sighed, “Ash, you just missed everything I said didn’t you?”

“Right then, ready for round two?”

“Bollocks, I should hit you but this isn’t the time or place.”

“Never stopped you before,” I mumbled. With that comment I received a painful smack to the back of the head. I probably pushed that one too far. Sisters.

“Brilliant,” Lil grumbled. “I’ll go over the mission one more time for the dumb arses who missed it.” I was clearly the only one. Real subtle, Sis.

“Seeing as we’re already almost there, basically Richard is going to disable the entire security system, then it’s up to Leo to stealthily take out all the patrols surrounding the warehouse. Once he’s done with that, the rest of us will move in on the other guards inside. Rhys is taking out the target and you and I must retrieve the package. Now once the target realizes that he’s under attack, he’s going to call for backup. So we have to get out of there before they arrive, giving us exactly 10 minutes. The package is of utmost importance. Understood?”

“Oh! okay, yeah I got it now,”

“Just in time too, lets get this over with shall we?”  Rhys said as he parked the van about 20 meters away from the warehouse. It was dark and we were covered by trees, so they wouldn’t be able to see us. Richard immediately got to work on the alarms while the rest of us made sure we had our gear ready. Rhys was now in the back with us and was flirting with my sister again, that guy had it bad. It was so obvious. I moved over toward Leo and watched him as he adjusted his suit.

“Hey, um I like your suit?” I sputtered out. I never knew what to say to this guy he was always so weird. He only ever really talked to Lil so I wasn’t sure if he’d respond. He seemed even more distant today, if that’s possible but he looked at me anyway. He held eye contact with me for a second before giving me a quick smirk and I gave him a questioning glance in return.

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