Chapter 36 | Awkward

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*Sabina's POV*

I shift uncomfortably in my seat as Caleb makes his way to our table and sits down next to me. Even after what happened a couple of days ago, he still dares to sit extremely close to me.

"Can you not?" I say to him.


"Can you not sit so close to me? You have all that room so make use of it," I say, gesturing to all the space on Caleb's side.

"Nah, I don't like the idea of having a lot of space. I'd rather be confined with someone like you," He replies with a smirk. The cut on his cheek isn't as visible as it was before but I heard he's had to get stitches so I'm guessing the cut was quite bad.

"For God's sake Caleb, move." I push him away from me but he barely budges. I sigh and give pushing him away because he'll only stay put. The teacher takes the register and starts collecting the homework. When she gets to our table, I give it to her but she frowns. What now?

"Did you work on it together or did Sabina do all the work?" Mrs Anderson asks Caleb.

"We worked on it together," Caleb replies.

"Ok then, what is it about?" She says, quickly skimming over the paper. I bite my lip because Caleb didn't even do half of the work.

"It's about the jobs we want to do in the future, if we want to go to university and why. Other stuff about living in another country or what type of house we want. All that stuff."

"Hmm. I'm impressed, Caleb." She walks past our desk and I turn to face him.

"How did you know I wrote all that?" I ask.

"Like I said, I only listen when I want to so I guess I must have listened to you when you were reading it out loud."

"Right, ok," I mumble. I get started on the booklet the teacher gave us to complete this lesson.

"You're still with Jack?" He says after a while.

"Yes." I sigh.

"Figures. I thought you would have broken it off with him considering he came to my house to beat me up." I ignore him then and try to focus on this booklet. "Are you seriously ignoring me now?" Caleb says.

I get up and go to the front of the room to get a French dictionary and I go back to my seat. I flick through it, looking for the word I need and write it down. Caleb leans over my work and looks at it.

"What does 'j'irais en ville avec mes amis' mean?" He asks in a perfectly clear French accent which takes me by surprise.

"It means I would go to town with my friends," I reply.

"Thanks." He goes back to his work and quickly scribbles down what I just said. I continue working on the booklet but my thoughts are somewhere else and my concentration towards this booklet start to diminish.

I put my pen down because I don't think I could work on this any longer when I can't concentrate on this. I've already gone through a shed load of this booklet and I'll just take it home to finish it off. The teacher won't notice.

Instead, I start doodling on the corner of a random piece of paper. Lately, I've been obsessed with drawing eyebrows. I don't know why, it just feels serene drawing eyebrows for some weird reason. I draw so that to the teacher, it looks like I'm doing work but really I'm just drawing.

I casually look over to my right to see what Caleb's doing and see that he's on his phone under the table, glancing up every few minutes to see if the teacher's looking. I look up at the clock and find that we only have ten minutes of the lesson left. I can't be bothered to do anything else so I stare out of the window and watch the clouds slowly move. I really like clouds.

"I bet you guys haven't even done the deed yet. You and Jack." Caleb says and I turn to look at him in shock. At this point, I can't take his antics anymore and I slam my hands down on the table.

"Caleb," I say with warning.

"Yes, babe?"

"Just fück off. I don't want to listen to you or your stupid fücking ideas anymore. I really don't need advice from a fückboy like you. Why can't you just stop harassing me and leave me alone?!" I burst out.

"Feisty," Caleb says and it annoys the hell out of me the fact that it's all he has to say. Not even a simple sorry.

"I'm done with your shít," I reply in disgust. I pack my stuff away into my bag because it's the end of the lesson and frankly, I just want to get away from Caleb as soon as possible. When the bell goes to signal the end of class, everyone scramble for the door to get to lunch but I stay behind for a couple of minutes. When everyone's gone, I go up to the front desk.

"Do you need something Sabina?" Mrs Anderson asks, looking up at me.

"Can I ask you something?"

"Ask away," She says with a smile.

"Can I move seats?" I blurt out.

"Why?" She asks warily.

"I just don't like sitting next to Caleb."

"Is there a better reason as to why you don't want to sit next to Caleb?"

"Um..." I rack my brain, trying to fake a reason. I can't very much tell her that Caleb kissed me on purpose and my boyfriend got into a fight with him because of what he did. Now, I don't want to sit next to him because he's acting as if nothing ever happened. Also, the fact that he won't leave me alone and keeps on quizzing me about my relationship with Jack. "I just don't like sitting next to him," I reply half-heartedly.

"Sabina, I can't just move you because you don't like him. I put him next to you for a reason. I thought that you would be a good influence on him and help him out a little considering his grades are not the best."

"Why me? Why not someone else?" I protest.

"Because I noticed a bit of a change in him when I sat him next to you. He's actually worked on a piece of homework in the last four years that I've been teaching him."

I roll my eyes. "That's because he fancies me. Not because I've been a good influence on him."

"I'm sorry, I can't move you. You'll have to sit with Caleb until the end of the school year. Well, up until the start of your exams when you go on study leave."

"Can't you just make this one exception?" I plead.

"Sorry Sabina. You'll have to make do. If I move you to wherever you want to sit, everyone else will want to move seats as well. They'll think it's favouritism if I say no to them."

I let out a long, ragged sigh and say, "Ok then." She gives me a half smile and I turn away from her and leave the room.



Apologies for this chapter. Not quite pleased with it really.

Sometimes I wonder if anyone I know reads this. It'd be so embarrassing if they did.

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I love you all and I'll see you soon x

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