Chapter 60 | Found

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*Sabina's POV*

"No, no, no! Sabina, you have to watch this part!" Alexa exclaims.

"No, I don't want to! I know she's going to jump out in front of the camera!" I say, trying to cover my eyes with a cushion.

"But this is the best part!" She takes my cushion away and throws it to the floor. I look down at my lap instead, quickly becoming preoccupied with a stray string coming out of my jeans. "Sabina!" She yells and lifts my head up. I close my eyes at the moment the woman jumps out. "See? There was nothing to be afraid of." Even though I didn't completely see the jump scare, I still saw a part of it that's surely going to bother me for weeks.

"You're so mean. Why did you force me to watch this scary movie with you?" I ask, leaning down to the floor to pick up my cushion.

"It's almost finished anyway and then we can watch whatever you want to watch," Alexa says.

"Now I'm gonna get nightmares for weeks," I mumble under my breath. As the ending credits show up, Alexa turns the lights back on.

"What movie do you want to watch now?"

I look down at my wrist to check the time when I realise that I don't have my watch on me. I look at the clock on the wall instead. "I've actually got to go Alexa. But next time we're watching a movie, I'm picking. And no scary movies! I hate them!"

"You love them really. Otherwise, you would have left the room two hours ago with Brooke."

"Where is Brooke anyway?" I ask and as I say it, the door bursts open.

"Mum says you have to let me in now. It's been two hours," Brooke, Alexa's younger sister, says.

"The movie's finished so you can come in and watch your cartoons," Alexa says.

"I guess I'll see you at that exam," I say, picking up my jacket.

"Where are you going?" Brooke asks me.

"I'm going home," I reply.

"Why are you going now, Sabina?" Brooke whines, sitting down to next me. "You've only been here for one hour."

"I've actually been here for five hours now. I do have a home to go to."

"Why don't you just stay here?"

"I don't have my pyjamas or my toothbrush."

"You can borrow mine," Brooke quickly says with a smile. "My clothes, not my toothbrush."

"I think your clothes might be a bit too small," I say gently.

"No! You'll be able to fit in them because you're skinny. They might look a bit short but Alexa says that's the style for girl's these days," She says and I look at Alexa, giving her a weird look.

"What have you been telling her?" I ask Alexa warily.

"Um, nothing..." She trails off in a high-pitched voice.

"Don't listen to your sister," I tell Brooke. "She doesn't know a thing about fashion. I mean, have you seen the clothes she wears?" I say jokingly and stifle a laugh while Brooke laughs out loud.

"What the heck Sabina?!" Alexa exclaims and pushes me on the shoulder.

"I was joking!" I say quickly before she pushes me off the sofa. "You have amazing fashion sense. Thanks to you, I would not know what top to wear with which jeans. Like literally, if it weren't for you, I'd be here in sweatpants and a sparkly crop top."

"I know! Your fashion sense is so bad!"

"Hey! It's not that bad! I've been able to dress myself for all these years without your help and I was perfectly fine."

"Just about."

"That's it, I'm leaving," I say, getting up and putting my leather jacket on.

"No, don't go!" Brooke screams.

"I'm sorry Brooke, but I seriously have to go now. My mum will definitely be wondering where I am. I'm so stupid, I can't believe I forgot my phone at home."

"Mistakes happen," Alexa says and embraces me briefly. "Are you sure you don't want my mum to drop you off? It's getting really dark out there."

"Yes, I'm sure. I only live 15 minutes away and judging by how fast I walk, I'll probably get there in less than 15 minutes."

"Are you really sure?" She asks as she walks me to the door.

"Yep. I better get going now then."

"Ok. Bye, Sabina."

"Bye guys." I wave at them as I leave their house and Alexa gently closes the door behind me.

Just like Alexa said, it's getting dark and I pull my jacket around me tighter. Even though it's June, it still gets awfully cold at night. I quicken my pace at the thought of having Dad's homemade lasagne. Nothing can beat his lasagne.

I get the strange feeling that someone is following me but I shake it off. It's probably just my thoughts running wild. I knew I shouldn't have watched that scary movie. Now I'm going to get paranoid at everything. Great.

After a while, my suspicions seem to be confirmed when I see someone else's shadow behind me. I try not to think too much of it but everywhere I seem to go, they seem to be following me. It's too much of coincidence for that person to be heading the same way I am. I start to walk quicker, knowing that I'm getting closer to home and if needed, I can sprint the rest of the way.

I feel something drip on my head and I touch my head to see. At first, I'm afraid a bird pooped on me, but I'm relieved to find that it's only water. I momentarily look up at the sky and another drop of water falls on my cheek. I silently groan, knowing that if it starts raining a lot, I'm going to arrive home soaked because I don't have an umbrella.

Whilst being lost in my thoughts the whole time, I hadn't realised that I've stopped. I notice that the shadow behind me has also stopped, its dark presence looming over me. Out of curiosity, I lift my arm up to make sure it's not my shadow. However, I see my own shadow move and the other shadow remains perfectly still.

All of sudden, I'm too scared to look behind. Too scared to move in case they attack me. Instead, the shadow moves closer to me until I can feel their heavy, ragged breathing on the back of my neck. They utter two words. The voice is so familiar. The voice that haunted me over a year ago and still haunts me in my nightmares.

"Hello, Sabina."




It's my birthday tomorrow and I'm really excited because it means I finally get to learn how to drive and I'm excited to be on the road even though the road and driving terrifies me sometimes. Welp.

How are you today? I feel like it's been ages since I last updated omg. I have an induction day for my college on Wednesday and I don't wanna go even though I have to but I don't wanna go because I won't know anyone there. Welp x2.


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I love you all and I'll see you soon x

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