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"These are dark time
there is no denying. Our world has prehaps faced no greater threat than it does today. But I say this to our citizens. We, ever your servants. Will continue to defend you liberty
and repel the forces that seek to take it from you.
Your ministry remains strong." The minister of magic spoke hastily to the press, which was plastered all over the local news papers.

Aurora read it with a sigh, her ears rung lowly. Her free hand placed by her mouth, chewing nauseously on her nails. She was sat in her father's office. A cold breeze hitting her shoulders, no one was home apart from her. She was always home alone, surrounded by silence.

Draco had tried to owl her many times, her replies gradually getting longer and longer her heart feeling the strain, until one day a very angry owl dropped off a Howler, from Lucius Malfoy himself, it was an understatement that Aurora was scared out of her skin. She knew Draco would be waiting for a reply to his recent letter but she couldn't bring herself to send it. She dreaded herself for that.

She grabbed her duffel bag, slamming the paper down into the coffee table, her mind focusing on her soul purpose. Her mind let her take one last look at her house, a stray tear leaving her dark brown eye. She knew her parents wouldn't notice her being gone, they were hardly ever home, reasons she knew why but never could face them. She locked the door with a sigh, never turning back.    

"Hermione, tea is ready, Darling"

"I'm coming, Mom!" Hermione yelled, her voice echoing down to her parents. She stood in the middle of her room her eyes greedily taking in all of the features it had.
Her sneakers let her toes  her sneak down the wooden stairs of her house. Hermione let in a small sigh, her wand raising a few inches by her waist, it directed at the back her parents heads, them oblivious to what their child was doing.

"Obliviate." She sobbed, her wrist turning slightly as everything around began to wipe her existence. Her looked at the pair choking back a sob before leaving her house, she made her way down her lane, feet scuffing against the cobble stone, to Aurora perched on a fence.

The pair exchanged smiles as Aurora hopped down, the blonde haired girl stood beside her friend, grabbing her hand in a protective manner, giving a small squeeze before they apparted in swift motion.

"Severus, I was beginning to worry
you'd lost your way. Come, we have saved you a seat." Voldemort sighed, a sickening grin devouring his features. Making Draco almost quiver in his seat. "You bring news, I trust."

"It will happen next Saturday. At nightfall" Severus spoke, his monotone voice drawing to a close as a death eater spoke out of turn.

"I've heard differently
my lord. Dawlish, the auror has let slip that the Potter boy will not be moved
until the 30th of this month.
The day before he turns 17."

Severus gaped, as Draco sunk further into his seat ever so slightly.

"This is a false trail. The auror office no longer plays any part in the protection of Harry Potter. Those closest to him think
that we have infiltrated the Ministry." Snape said directing his answer to the dark lord himself.

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