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Aurora sat silently next to Ron as Harry and hermione stood opposite them, the two clearly and utterly confused on how Ron had managed to find them. 

"With this. Doesn't just
Turn out lights
I don't know how it works
but christmas morning I sleping in this little pub keeping away from some snatchers. When I heard it." Ron spoke his eyes never leaving Hermione's, his gaze making her blush slightly.

"What?" Aurora asked.

"A Voice. Your voice, Hermione. Comin' out of it." He pressed.

"And what exactly did I say
if I may ask?" Hermione pondered, her eyes narrowing slightly.

"My name. Just my name.
like a Whisper
So I took it, clicked it this tiny ball of light appeared
And I knew. Sure enough.
Flew towards me,
ball of light. Right into my chest. Straight through me.
Right here." Ron said pointing to his chest. "I knew that it was gonna take me where I needed to go
so I disapparated
came to this hillside
It was dark, I had
no idea where I was. I just hoped one of you will show yourself you did." Ron said eventually turning to look at Harry.

Aurora smiled softly, giving Ron's hand a small squeeze, before getting up and making her way into the tent, sighing as she sat on her bed.

"I have always liked these flames Hermione makes." She heard Ron mutter as the two boys sat in the make shift living room, separated from her by a curtain. "How long do you think
she will stay mad at me?"

"i don't know-" Harry said getting cut off by Aurora.

"just keep talking about that little ball, and it might touch her in the heart. She will come around."

"She can hear us?"

"Of course Ronald, it's only a sheet that separates us." Aurora pressed, hearing Harry chuckle slightly.

"It's true. Every word.
This is gonna sound crazy.
But I think,thats why Dubledore left it to me
The delumintor.
I think somehow he knew
I'll need to find my way back." Ron pressed, making Aurora smile as she walked out, sitting herself beside Harry.

"Hey, I just realized
you need a wand, don't you? I got one here.
Blackthorn 10 inches ,
nothing special." Ron stated as he held up a black wand. "I took it off a snatcher few weeks ago Don't tell hermione this Definitely was a troll, by the smell of it."

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