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"Come on smile you need a bath."

There stood a guy in a white hoody cover'd in blood and black dress pants he had a horrifying face. His non blinking cold eyes black his mouth a smile craved into his face. He was pale, like me white as fuck. He had a red husky, apparently smile.

Smile sniffed the air and growled. Fuck he can smell me! I said in my head.

"What is it boy, you smell someone?"

"Jane if that's you step the fuck out and we will finish this!" He yelled

I held onto my necklace my dads ring he gave me before he disappeared. "Shit." I mumbled my foot slipped and I fell into the river. "Ahh!"

Smile jumped back and so did Jeff. I popped my head out of the water to get air. The blood washed away

"S-sorry I um killed some jerk going to school and uh um ah needed to clean up." I said

Jeff jumped into the river as he got closer to me. This is it I'm going to die.

"What's that, around your neck?" He questioned

"Nothing if your business!" I snapped

"Okay," he nerrowed his eyes at me "what the hell is it!" He yelled! I flinched . "My dads gods damned ring! What's it to you!" I was pissed and I'd had enough of his shit.

"Let me see it." He said

"No ducking way am I letting you see it. I've already had a little girl stalking me I'm not letting you see my ring you'll stalk me too!"

"Oh you mean Sally, ya she will stalk you. Now let me see the ring!" "Fine take a shot at me."

I said while climbing out of the water.

I readied my knife as I waited for Jeff to climb out of the water.

"Ho you wanna play the knife game okay."

"What, that made no freacking since." What ever.

"Come at me Jeffrey!" I yelled at him

"What did YOU call me," he yelled like it wasn't the first time someone call him that.

"Jeffrey isn't that your name, I mean that is what your parnets named you, right?"

"Yea they called me that, but you don't get to call me Jeffrey!"

He yelled, he was mad. His pupils dilated, "Jeff your blood lust," I almost whispers it just loud enough to hear.

"What's it you, Ellie, no wonder you were set up for adoption, no one wants an orphan," he said.

That hit home. Rage, and hate,anger you couldn't disc rive it. "YOU SHOULDN'T HAVE DONE THAT JEFFREY!!!" Is all I said before I charged at Jeff the killer.

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