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I was going hunting on my own. nobody to help me or teach me.

"Just get in, kill them and get back out. hmmm seems simple."

Not as easy as it sounds.

I chose a pretty bright blue house. an older couple lived there. ok tactic, ring the door bell, lied own and act knocked out. fake blood check. lets go.

I knocked on their door, lied down. surprisingly they anwserd.

"Oh my goodness, this poor girl!" whispers the older lady.

"Danny get down here please!" she yelled up stairs.

"Would you get this young lady in here so I can fix her up?" she asked

"Sure ma."

A young man about 3 years older then me came out. he picked me up and brought me I side the house.

"Thank you Danny you may go, I'm getting the health kit so I can fix her."


Was all he said.

New tactic real injuries.

When the ladie was out of the room I grabbed my knife. since I'm immortal I can't die.

I stabbed myself in my stomach and made a good size gash on my arm were the fake blood was at.

"There." I said "that should be good."

The woman came back in and saw I was bleeding even more, but was awake.

"Hello, could you tell me what in the world happened to you sweet heart?"

"I was attack."

"By what?"

"I think my dad?"I said more of a question then a stament.

"Who is your dad?"

I thought for a second before answering

"Jeff the killer."

(Not really I know who her dad is)

"Oh my!"

"I have to go."

"No you sit, I'm going to fix you up then I'm calling the police."

"No don't"

"Well y not?"

"Becuase I have to."

"You have to what."

"I'm sorry."

I grabbed her by her neck, and stabbed her.

"Go to sleep."

"Ma are you okay?"

"Sorry" was all I could say.

"Wwhat did you do."

"My names Ellie btw, I am slender-mans daughter. Just wanted you to know, my life is a lot harder then yours having to kill people to keep your god damned sanity!"

" You don't look like him."

"Your not scared?"

"No. why should i?"

"Yes, I just killed your mom."

"My names not Danny."

"Then what is it.?"

"Lost silver."

"I I have to go."

I rush out of the house, knowing he was following.

"Good follow me." I whisper'd.

I ran into the woods.

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