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Slendys pov

I can't believe it really her, she's here, with me. I wonder if my wife is okay or if she's dead? Ill have to ask.

I have to get to know her I don't want her thinking I'm a creep like them.

Jeff had taken her to her bed I believe.

Ellie's pov

the last thing I rember was talking to slender. Why the fuck did he look so familiar, like my farther. Maybe, what if he is. Once my dad was kidnapped, I hanged into this, I can grow tentacles like slender, and I can shape shift .

"But how could it affect me?"

"How could what effect you?"

I jumped, and the turned around to see, Ben.


"I said how could what effect you?"

"Nothing.," I said "it's not YOUR problem, I'm just trying to figure something out."

"What are you figuring out maybe I can help?"

"You don't shut up or go away do you?"

"Nope so tell me."



Sorry had to leave you with a cliff hanger guys. And I'm really sorry I haven't been able to update lately but I have a new book out that I'm working on its going to be a a book 2 so I need to know what to call it.

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