Chapter 3: Tryouts

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The week of school was boring. All of are classes just reviewed what we learned last year. It was finally Saturday which meant Quidditch Tryouts.

"You ready?" T.J asked as we sat down in the great hall.

"I was born ready." I say over dramatically.

"You're actually trying out Clovey?" Draco Sneered coming over and sitting next to Blaise.

"Don't call me that." I glare.

"You'll never make it. A girl on the Slytherin team is unheard of let alone two." Draco said looking at T.J

"Well we'll just have to change that." T.J said.

"Yeah since when have i ever followed tradition. I am in Slytherin after all." I say.

"Come on Clove let's get ready." T.J says and we leave the great hall.

T.J and I get change and head to the pitch.

"Alright I'm Marcus Flint and I'll be your team Captain if you make it on the team. I'm a chaser. I already have a seeker, a keeper, and a chaser. " flint said gesturing to Draco, Blaise, and Theodore nott.  "If you make the team you'll go through enduring practices. I don't settle for failure. Only the best." Flint said.

"Alright beaters first." He says. T.J smiles  at me reassuringly as I go into the group.

In the group there are four of us. Goyle, Crabbe, and a second year named Tucker.

"What are you doing here?" Flint looks at me confused.

"I'm trying out." I say.

"Well duh. What I mean is why are you in the beater group. You're a girl."

"I may be a girl but that doesn't disable me from doing anything you can do. And let's not forget my two brothers are beaters who have beat you on many occasions. They taught me how to be a beater." I say.

"Fine." Flint says.

He splits us into two teams of two. My and tucker on one team and Crabbe and Goyle on the other. Then flint and Draco flew around. We had to either hit them or block them. I was close to hitting Draco and flint a few times but the moved away at the last second. I asks blocked anything that came at me and hit it back with force and aim.

"Alright. That's it." Flint says and we fly down.

"I have never been more ashamed." Flint begins. "How could the three of you get beat by a girl. She killed you out there. You pathetic wimps." Flint sneered.

Flint then went off and called for the chasers. There were six of them. T.J, a fourth year named Liam jones, a seventh year named Henry Mills, and fifth year triplets Trent, Tristan, and Thomas Green. T. J was very fast and quick. Liam was pretty good too. The rest where horrible.

"Alright that's it." Flint said looking angry and annoyed. He then walked over to Draco, Blaise, and Theodore.

" The two beaters are Goyle and." Flint made a sour face. "Weasley." He sneered. "And the other chaser is Blake." He frowned.

Everyone grumbled but T. J ran over to me and tackled me in a hug. "We did it!" She squeals.

"Yeah." I smile.

"As much as I hate to admit it you two were good." Flint says.

"Thanks." I say.

"If it were up to me you two still wouldn't have made it." Draco sneered.

"Shut it Malfoy. I don't like the fact that girls showed us up but there good and we need them to win. " flint says and heads to the castle.

"Good job." Blaise says hugging us.

"Thanks." We said and headed to the castle.

As we where walking back I felt someone staring at me but I just shook it off and kept walking.


I watched Clove at tryouts. She was amazing. She's absolute beautiful. The way her eyes sparkle and the way her red hair shined in the sun made her look like and angel. I like a lot before I thought it was a little crush no I'm not so sure

Hey guys. So how is life. Hope you like the story so far. who do you think the Unknown POV is? Thanks for the support guys.

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