Chapter 19: See Ya Later Alligator

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It was the end of the year and we're all ready to go home. We're all packed and head to the great hall for our final feast.

"I love hogwarts but I need to be free." T.J yelled.

"Me too. I get to meet Fred's girl friend." I say putting my hair in a braid.

"Really who?" Owen asks.

"Her names Alexis Wood ,she's Olivier wood's cousin, Fred and George call her A.J. She's got brown reddish hair and blue eyes." I say.

"Cool." Owen says and we head to the great hall.

"I can't believe another year is over." I say as we all sit down to eat.

"I can." Draco says walking over won Blaise and sitting down. "3 more years of this hell hole and I'll be free."

"Don't say that Amber says.

"Yeah we all know you secretly love it." Owen smirks.

"I do not. I despise this place." Draco argues.

"You gonna miss it. You might not realize it know but you will." I say.

After we're done eating we go outside in the court yard and say good bye to the two visiting schools.

"By Amber we're going to miss you." All the girls (T. J, Owen, and I) say and hug Amber.

"I'm going to miss you guys too. Maybe my parents will let me transfer." Amber says as a whistle chimes. "That's my que to leave. Bye guys don't forget to write!" She waves and joins her school.

"If she ever comes to hogwarts she'll never be sorted into Slytherin." Owen says.

"She might. You never know." T.J shrugs.

"Yeah I do. She just isn't a Slytherin." Owen says. "Hey C let's go say bye to Tommy." She says and heaps me by the wrist.

"Hey there you guys are. I wanted to say goodbye before I left." Tommy smiles.

"Bye. Make sure to visit. I'll miss you. Be sure to write." I say as I hug Tommy.

"Ok squirt you got it." He says and then urns to Owen. "It was nice to see you again little boy. Hope to see you soon. " Tommy says and hugs Owen.

Owen is taken by surprise. "I'll miss you too." She responds.

"Goodbye princess clove and Queen Owen." Tommy waves and leaves.

I see Owen blushing and I smirk. "You're blushing. You like him."

"No I don't." She responded.

"Why'd ya blush?"

"I didn't it's just warm outside." She says. "I just can't believe he remembered when we played knights and princesses."

"Yeah well he didn't say princesses." I smile.

"Yeah he did."

"No he said I was a princess. YOU were a queen."

Owen blushes some more. I wiggle my eyebrows at her.

"Ok I might have a small, itty bitty, minuscule crush on him." Owen admits. "BUT you can't tell a soul. Or I'll skin you"

"Don't worry I won't. Come on let's get on the train." I say and head to the hogwarts express.

We find a compartment. Owen sits by the window, then me, then T.J. Owen is across from pansy sadly, Draco's across from me and Blaise is across from T.J.

"So what are the plans for the summer?" Owen asks.

"Stay at the manor and maybe visit some of my partners friends in the states." Draco says.

"Mother is getting married again. On a cruise to the Bahamas this time." Blaise says bored.

"What's is that her 5 husband?" T.J jokes.

"No. It's her 9th." Blaise groans.

"Sorry man." Draco says.

"I'm going to visit some family friends in Brazil." T.J says.

"Well I'm spending the summer with clove at her house." Owen says.

"You're not going any where? Like Japan, Paris, or Ireland?" Pansy buts in.

"No." I said with shame.

"But I'd rather spend time with my cousins at there house then go somewhere. It's a lot more fun." Owen said glaring at pansy.

"Please your just saying that because they don't have any money." Pansy smirks.

I feel my face get hit and I look down.

"Hey don't talk to her like that. If you have a problem then leave." Draco says.

"But Draco." Pansy begins.

"Leave." He says firmly and pansy scurries out.

"You ok clovey?" He asks.

"Yeah." I smile. "You haven't called me that in forever."

The rest of the ride we talk about are summer and other things. When the train pulls in the station we say are goodbyes. I hug everyone but I hug Draco last. As I hug him he whispers. "Write me this summer." Then he smirks and walks off.

"What was that all about?" Owen asks.

"Nothing." I say. "Oh look there's mum lets go." I say and drag Owen to the group of red heads. 

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