Chapter 7: You MoRON

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I'm running to the hospital wing. Apparently my genius twin decided to go and find a mass murder.

"Aw Ron your alight." I say running over to him.

He's on a bed his leg is elevated and wrapped in bloody bandages.

I hug him then hit him on the backside of his head "you moron. Why would you go looking for a mass murder."

"I don't mean to I swear." Ron said and started explaining to me what happened.

"So let me get this straight. Sirius black is innocent and didn't kill twelve Muggles and Peter pettigrew, he also is an animangus that did that to your leg., he also didn't sell the potters out, Lupin is a werewolf, black is Harry's godfather, and Peter pettigrew actually was scabbers. WHO YOU SLEPT WITH! That's disgusting." I say.

"Yeah that sums it up. Oh don't forget Hermione punched Malfoy in the face!" Ron eagerly.

"Yeah right. Well at least your ok." I say and hug him again. "I don't know what I'd do if you died. Your my twin. We need each other." I whisper.

"I know clove. You can't get ride of me that easy." He says and kisses my head.

"You excited for the World Cup?" He asks.

"Yeah. I can't wait for Bill and Charlie to come home too."

"Yeah. I bet mum will have a fit once she sees bills hair." I giggle.

"Oh yeah he's in trouble." Ron laughs.

Then Madame Pomfrey came over. "I'm sorry miss wealsey but you have to leave mr. Wealsey needs rest."

I leave and head to the common room. Tomorrow is the last day of school. I love hogwarts but I miss home and mum's cooking. I enter the common room and see Malfoy sitting in the common room.

"Hey Draco how's your nose. Heard you got beat up yesterday." I smirk.

"It's fine." He spats. "Why do you care anyway. I bet you laughed when they told you."

"Actually I didn't laugh and I care because your Blaise friend and he's my friend so your an extended friend."

"Yeah like that makes sense." Draco scoffs.

"Ok. Well I'm going to pack." I say and head to my dorm to pack.

Sorry the past two chapters are short. I'm building up to bigger things. Thanks for the support it means a lot.

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