Each countries several/once has tries to kill themselves to see if it could works.
At that time, their minds were somewhere else to even remembers that they had immortality.
Matthew /once/ is so tired of being ignored and invisible that he tried hanging himself but soon later on woke up on the floor with the ropes ripped apart because of the weight of the Canadian's body.
Prussia trying to kill himself /several/ times, from blood loss by cutting and wounding every inch of his arm and legs. He felt unused and so forgotten at the time his country was demolished and there he is. Alive. He sometimes wishes that he would never existed from the beginning.
Italy had /once/ tries jumping off a cliff after Germany yelling to him about two hours that it actually hurts his feeling.
Romano has /several/ times, trying to kill himself. He once drowned himself in the bathtub, shoot himself in the heart, injecting dangerous drugs in his body and even trying to burn himself by dousing himself. He saves himself all the times because there was nobody there to hold him.
He didn't want to worry Spain and Veneciano simply because he cared about both of them, more than anything else.
Hetalia/2p Headcanon
De TodoA mix of 2p and the 1p headcanon in this.. Headcanon thingy. I was honestly, inspired by the people who made headcanon, so I was like, "Hey! I wanted to make one too!!" And thus, this thing was born. Also, this would be daily updates because of how...