The Strongest Man

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Today was no different from any other day. You woke up in your small and cozy apartment and made a steaming hot cup of coffee for yourself and your room mate and best friend; Saitama.

It was about eight in the morning and you knew Saitama would be getting up soon so you thought ahead and put the television on which seemed to make the quiet apartment seem more alive. You held the coffee in one hand as you switched channels, grumbling obscenities under your breath before you finally settled for the news station which was constantly rambling on about new monsters that appeared out of nowhere in the different cities.

Sitting back and snuggling into the couch you watched as Saitama tiredly dragged himself into the living room, rubbing his eyes and yawning out loud making his presence known. He looked at you and gave a small nod mumbling out, "Morning (Y/N)."

You replied out the same, smiling as he looked around with a bored expression on his face before he finally settled for the couch, sitting right beside you- taking the coffee from your hand and gently bringing it to his lips so he could take a sip.

Waiting for Saitama to give you the aromatic refreshment, you focused on the new report that was now on, bumping Saitama's side with your elbow, he looked at you in question before he turned to look where you were.

The reporters were worriedly yelling about a new monster that was terrorising City-A and you watched the explosion that had been recorded on camera. You became concerned for the citizens who were unlucky enough to be caught in the midst of the terror and your hand unconsciously opened and reached out to Saitama who saw this and gladly accepted, squeezing your hand in reassurance.

You sighed and drank more coffee, no longer being tired after having to watch that and you got up from the couch- much to your displeasure and entered the tiny kitchen, making a cereal for yourself when you caught your bald headed best friend sighing in boredom before he got up.

You watched him as he went in the direction of his bedroom and asked him before you no longer had him in your vision, "Aye, You want breakfast?"

Saitama turned to you and shook his head. Minutes later you leaned over the counter and quietly ate your cereal- the sounds of your teeth crunching the meal being the only sounds that was being heard besides the quiet murmurs of the TV. Saitama then walked out and passed the kitchen with his hero suit on.

It was a yellow onesie type clothing with a black belt around his hips. Hooked around the back of his neck was his white cape that flowed to the ground and he wore red gloves and boots to finish it off. You watched him with a puzzled expression before zooming past him and into your room so you could jump into more acceptable outdoor clothing and followed him out wordlessly as he held the door open for you.

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Following Saitama out of your apartment, you shrieked when you were suddenly swept off of your feet and into the warm and muscular embrace that was Saitama's. He then began running at super-human speed and you smiled feeling the wind carry your disarrayed hair making it even more wilder.

After a minute or so you were suddenly dropped on the ground in a light but quick move as Saitama practically flew in to save a little girl that was crying out for he mother and father- not having seen the huge, purple and naked monster that has about two seconds from squashing her in his hand.

Saitama carried her away from the monster and she had somehow.. Fallen asleep on the ground? Was she knocked out? How in the- Did Saitama just knock her out?

The monster then opened his hand realising it was missing a little girl and looked to where the quick flash of yellow went, looking to the right to see a bald hero getting up and looking back at him.

The monster asked who he was and Saitama just replied his usual reply to that question, "Just a guy whose a Hero for fun."

"What kind of half-assed backstory is that?!" The monster growled in anger, watching Saitama in a puzzled yet frustrated way. Saitama just kept watching the monster scream out about how he was the Vaccine-man and how he was the apostle of mother nature coming to cleanse the earth or something, meanwhile you were just trying to restrain yourself from yawning to loud.

Watching Saitama, you wanted to get a better look at the monster who suddenly grew much bigger with his raging muscles and sharp teeth that came out of no where. He seemed to have upgraded and just when you were watching him scream in Saitama's face you just had to trip over some rubble on the filthy floor. Gaining the monsters attention, he grinned at you like you were his favourite meal and he reached his huge arm over. He managed to swipe you into his palm before you could escape and Saitama saw this with wide and worried eyes.

You screeched in pain when the Medicine-man or whatever began squeezing your waist, on the verge of crying, you screamed out Saitama's name as he finally had enough and punch the monster.

You fell to the ground with already bruising sides watching as Saitama stared down at his clenched fist- screaming in distress,

"All it took was one punch- Again! DAMMIT!"

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