The Ultimate Master

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It had been a few days since your unusual meeting with the Ninja figure who called himself, 'Speed-o-Sound Sonic' and the name still resulted in a chuckle escaping your throat, not that you tried to hide it anyway; what a ridiculous name.

The Paradisers had been completely eradicated and now Saitama finally had his wishes granted as we; as in Genos, Saitama and yourself, made it to the Hero Certification Exam at the sixth location. You were a little worried about what was on the inside of the large stadium-looking building but you knew the two men standing beside you would pass with ease. You were just relieved to finally be here so now Saitama could stop whining about coming here. Sometimes he was actually a child in a man's body, actually scratch that- he's always a child. Scratch that again.. A child in a very good looking man's body.

Never mind that, you only shook your head to rid the sudden inappropriate thoughts and looked quickly to your right to see Saitama looking at all the other civilians who intended on becoming a hero. The man was so clueless-looking you almost 'awe'd' at the sight.
After trying to get away from most of these creepy men who stared at you like you were a piece of steak, the three of you went inside and you had to wait in the visitors sections on the sideline to wait for Saitama and Genos to get changed into their correct attire for the exams they would be doing- both physical and intellectual.

You both visibly and internally cringed at the sight of all of these different competitors flexing their bulging muscles at you as they wore extremely revealing clothes; speedos and tanktop along with short shorts. They watched you suggestively as you stared in disgust at the way their eyes raked up and down your form. You shivered under their piercing stare and they seemed to have noticed which only increased the size of their ego until you watched with confusion at the way their eyes seemed to simultaneously widen at the sight of something next to you.

Glancing to the right, your eyes almost fell from their sockets when they focused on the sight of a hostile -looking Saitama who was wearing his speedos, his muscular and ripped body clear to see and drool over. You did nothing but sigh at the sight as he stared at the men who were previously eyeballing you and you weren't sure why, but a tiny part of you wanted him to actually feel jealous. But that obviously wasn't it because Saitama is your best friend and you actually just really liked it when he was protective of you, just like you liked to believe you were protective of him even though your lack of strength would most likely do nothing for you.

Maybe you were just a bother to him since you felt so weak most of the time, you couldn't do anything but watch from the sidelines and wait as Saitama saved you. What if you weren't always with him? How much better would his life be.

"Side-to-side Jumps; 30 Seconds!"

Your negative thoughts were thankfully disrupted by the loud voice of one of the exam conductors as all competitors had gotten ready to prepare for the first task.


You watched and stared in awe at the way Saitama began; fast and literally breaking the floor with the amount of force in his steps. You already knew this man would pass the physical test with flying colours. The other people around him stared with their jaws dropped.

"Next, 1500m Run! GO!!"

The conductor continued on to the next one, eyes on the bald man with the exceedingly well-build body as he proceeded to, once again, break the flooring because of his powerful start as he past everyone, hardly even being seen as he ran around once and then again when the other contestants hadn't even reached the half-way mark yet.

You could only laugh at their reactions, smiling as you watched Saitama's lips turn up only a little at the sound of someone; being you, cheering him on even though you both knew he already had this,

"Go Saitama!!"


You continued to stare, not taking your eyes off of the man who seemed like he had a God inside of him as he easily picked up a weight with only one arm, carrying it straight over his head as you noticed it had possibly all of the weights on it, Saitama was literally completing the impossible like it was a piece of cake and you couldn't even be surprised anymore. Judges were gobsmacked and contestants appeared to resemble little dogs who hid their tails in their arse as they cowered away from the superhuman.

"Next; Shot-put!"

You didn't know whether to applaud or be shocked at the amount of sheer force Saitama put into these activities because he could have simply tried as little as possible and still gotten the same results. Instead of throwing the shot-put into the measuring range, he completely misses- throwing straight up managing to create a hole in the ceiling of the arena.

The men conducting the event didn't even know how to react because of Saitama's power hidden inside a regular- looking man. They would simply have to give him full points because it all seemed highly impossible.

"Vertical Jumping! Go!"

It all went in a flash as Saitama steadied his feet to compete, the 'Go' came from the conductors and just like that, there was a large crack in the floor from his feet and he was gone. Looking up you found that he had managed to get himself stuck in the ceiling as his head was stuck inside the roof from how high and strongly he jumped.

You couldn't help the laughter that escaped you from this one, "Hey Sai! What's the weather like up there!?"

"Oi! Don't laugh at me!" He answered back, his arms and legs fidgeting as you only laughed more at the sound of his mad yet muffled voice from inside the roof.


What? Seriously, to train and see if you are enough to become a hero to protect civilians from evil and ugly monsters; you have to play whack-a-mole. Because that makes perfect sense, but just like every other exercise in the exam, Saitama's reflexes were at their peak as he never missed one mole in the game.
But instead of a normal whack-a-mole, these moles were moving at a much faster rate and so you could hardly decipher where Saitama's arm was moving with the red hammer in his hand.

And so all moles were hit immediately and you swore you noticed the conductors sigh in relief when they saw that Saitama had only broken a few moles in this piece of machinery.

"Punching Machine!!"

This machine had a simple and large, round target so that the wannabe heroes could punch it and their strength would be measured, except we all knew what would happen when it was the caped heroes' turn as he threw a punch and made the huge piece of metal slide backwards, indenting it as it broke threw a wall and slid into another room as smoke emitted from it.

Other people wanting to be heroes watched as they were sweating at how lowly they were compared to this phenomenal man. They were shaking in their spots and one of them actually muttered under his breath, "I'm going home."

Ah.. Today was a good day, You're just lucky that Saitama and yourself wouldn't have to pay for the repairs.

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