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You had jumped away from Saitama when he begun walking deeper into the woods. He didn't question it and he let you lead him through the trees without question. You were walking faster for an unknown reason and Saitama only looked up past the treetops to see the blue sky as he mindlessly thought about these stupid terrorists and avoiding the presented opportunity to look at your behind.

"Hurry up Sai- Oh.."

You words were cut short when you turned around quickly to see a huge man with black suit that looked like solid bubbles and he even had red and orange flames around his waist. He looked pretty stupid, and you wanted to laugh but there was the fact that was standing in between Saitama and yourself and he looked like a feral dog by the way he seemed to be growling at you.

You couldn't deny the fact that you felt scared when he stomped towards with you that devious smile on his face, you recognised this man- he was the leader of the Paradisers; Hammerhead. You felt extremely vulnerable and inferior, he towered over you and you knew he could swing at you, effectively knocking you unconscious before you could even utter a single yelp for help to Saitama. On that note- where the hell was Saitama!

"Eh, where are the other ones?" Saitama asked innocently when he poked his head around Hammerhead to watch out for the other missing terrorists. He didn't seem to be aware of your current dilemma and you could only fume and convulse in fear, anger and silence when the man didn't even blink an eye towards Saitama except for when he opened his mouth but he never took his beady eyes off of you.

"Who are you?"

"Uhm, Just a hero for fun, for personal reasons i'm here to smash your heads in.. But there's only you."

The man only growled in response as his eyes narrowed in anger, maybe he didn't like Saitama's response but you seriously hoped that he wouldn't release his anger out on you, otherwise Saitama would most definitely regret it. You heard Saitama let out a gasp and just when you looked towards him, you only saw a black flash in front of you before you were flung backwards and stopped by the hard force that was a tree. Hammerhead chuckled at your lanky form and you could only cough in pain when you screeched out a retort, "OI! What the hell was that for! A-And Saitama, hurry up and finish him! Jesus Christ!"

You noticed Saitama tense when Hammerhead turned around to face the bald man. He didn't take his eyes off of you and he was slightly worried when he could only decipher pain and anger in your eyes. He was only just beginning to earn your forgiveness and now he had let this happen, what did Hammerhead have against you anyway- it wasn't like you had done anything.

"Ay, what was that for- you wanna fight someone then fight me. Besides I was getting excited about your suits but the design is lame- all they do is give you superhuman strength... and why do you have a knife in your head..?" Saitama quickly retorted when he placed his hands on his hips, he honestly looked like a housewife scolding her husband but you couldn't help but speak when something peaked your interest.

You grunted, "I was gonna ask about the knife too, is that like a trademark in the Paradisers- so lame." You adjusted yourself against the tree and caught your breath as you watched the man continue to physically increase in anger and irritation. Hammerhead only glared at Saitama and swung a punch at him, dust and wind circling around them and Hammerhead laughed when he figured he just took care of the smaller man and he looked at you as if to rub it in your face but he was confused, his brows furrowing in curiosity when you smiled and chuckled at Hammerhead and his ego that was about to deflate almost immediately.

"Hmmm okay." Saitama uttered when the dust blew away, showing that he didn't move a muscle and the punch didn't even affect him in the slightest. Hammerhead gasped slightly but growled once again, getting into a squatting position as he flexed and tensed his arms, his legs, back and then his whole torso.
You watched as his black suit got bigger and bulged out as it seemed to be increasing his strength and added as a thicker and more powerful source of protection to his body. No one was phased by his upgrade and you knew Saitama was only amused when Hammerhead started doing what he called a 'Spin attack.'

You couldn't stop the giggle that left your lips when you crouched over so your hands could push yourself up. You got up into a standing position and leaned against the tree as memories of a younger Saitama came to your mind, back when he lacked in muscles or any real fighting and he used the 'Spin attack' which looked extremely ridiculous.

But the next thing made you laugh harder when Saitama only reached his hands out, immediately ceasing Hammerheads moves which made him gasp in surprise. Hammerhead watched Saitama with wide and fearful eyes, he had obviously let his inflated and obnoxious ego cloud his mind and he didn't even bother to think about Saitama's strength which he clearly underestimated.

"Wha.. Uh- Ho-Ahh.."

Saitama's face remained blank when he only turned quickly to force his elbow into his opponents stomach which caused a ripple effect and cracked the suit, the cracks quickly moved outwards until it completely shattered the whole thing.. to reveal a naked Hammerhead.

"Again?! Honestly can't guys keep there clothes on around here?!"

Saitama sighed in annoyance and approached you, surprising you when he helped you up to let you lean on his body for support and proceeded to cover your eyes from the naked male who was shaking like a featherless chicken.

"Oi, get out of here!" Saitama grumbled out as his hands only got tighter around your face. You could only stifle a laugh and hold Saitama's hand that were on your face, cringing lightly when your body still felt sore from that damn tree, you were sure to obtain a nice, purple bruise on your back now.

"Wha- really? You a-aren't going to k-kill me?"

"Just leave." He instructed irritatingly.

You could see Hammerhead gasping again when Saitama didn't close his fingers tight enough as the naked man shook in fear but perked up in delight as you accidentally catch a glimpse of Hammerheads white butt cheeks as he ran for his life. "Thank you! A-ahh."

"Ugh.. Let's go home, maybe Genos is done with his repairs! Let's Go!!" You squealed when Saitama let go of your face, you went ahead to skip the way but the pain in your back stopped you. You only cringed and froze to relieve the pain which also gave Saitama enough time to catch up to you and grab ahold of your waist so he could support your weak body the whole way, thinking about why you would be so excited to see Genos as the both of you weren't even remotely aware of the next stranger who was bound to stop you.

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