Carter Trips Over A Penguin

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It was Thursday March, 15. I was rummaging through my bag looking for my wand that had somehow managed to get lost. I could hear Carter shouting my name from downstairs which was starting to get on my nerves. The thing about having older brothers is that they are always watching, kind of like a mom.

Let me back it up a little to explain what was going on.

This was basically Brooklyn House's normal Thursday morning. All of the kids rushing around trying to get ready for school. Why is Thursday such a big deal though? That's the only day where Amos came around and he would always give the first three people who were ready a ride to school. The others would have to either walk or even worse... take the bus. I did not mind the long walk but going on a bus full of people who hate me with a burning passion, that I hated. Most of the girls hate me because I turned down Walt and 'broke his heart' when in reality we still remained good friends. The guys hate me because apparently if you don't let them get in your pants they get pissed off. I had one friend at that school, that was Lacy. Of course, when you have a friend you have to have the enemy. Mine was Drew Tanaka. That backstabbing, annoying, bitchy, ignorant, piece of shit. Now, I'm not being overdramatic when I say this girl is that bad. If you see a girl crying in the hallway and ask them what's wrong, Drew's name would most likely be brought up. What does this have to do with the transportation issue? She takes the bus.

I was barely ready by this point when Carter was rushing me. I found my wand, finally and shoved it into my book bag. There hasn't been much going on for a while, but you never know when everything can go bad. I looked in the mirror and examined my outfit. Ripped jeans, an almost crop-top, and combat boots. I stopped dyeing my hair when I was fourteen, I wanted to change, but my style and personality stayed the same. Now I just have healthier more dull looking hair. I slung the bag over my shoulder looking closer into the mirror making sure my eye makeup wasn't messed up. I used to go without the makeup before Drew started tormenting me about how my natural appearance was horrific. I didn't care, I just wanted her to leave me alone. I didn't tell anyone about the way Drew has talked to me and constantly ruined my life. Instead, I sucked it up and kept a straight face and pushed down my true emotions. Bad idea? Probably.

I jogged down the stairs into the dining area grabbed a waffle off a plate that sat in the middle of the table. It looked as if the free lucky winners to go with Amos were already gone. Felix, Alyssa, and Julian were not in their normal spots. I hopped up on a counter near the table and glanced over at Walt and Jaz who were talking and laughing. Hmph. I decided to ignore that after a moment of stalking. I looked over at Sean and Cleo who were also talking and laughing... looking at each other with lovey eyes. Zia was trying to help Carter get the penguins Felix left behind out of there. Carter than  tripped over one causing Zia to burst into laughter asking if he was alright and attempting to help him up. One word popped into my mind, loneliness. Even though I was almost constantly surrounded by people I couldn't help but feel so sad and alone. I wasn't going to allow myself to believe that I missed... him. I pushed that thought away threw the rest of my waffle to one of the penguins and hopped off the counter.

Carter walked over to me once he saw that I didn't exactly look all fine and dandy like the rest of the trainees. Carter had grown taller so I had to look up at him which was getting annoying especially when I have to slap him in the face. It was more difficult then it should have to be. He was finally dressing normal, today in jeans and a hoodie. His expression fell when he looked at me, he almost looked concerned, (poor boy). "Sadie, are you okay? You look like someone just killed your entire family right in front of you."

Oh Carter, I can always count on you to make the irrelevant analogies when I'm feeling like someone hit me with an emotional rollercoaster. I blinked twice not knowing what to say at first but I regained my normal personality and crossed my arms. "I am fine, thank you. I just think we should probably go now if we want to actually make it on time." I said adding a roll of my eyes so he would believe I was fine. But I was lying, I was so very far from fine.

Carter looked at me for a moment definitely not buying what I was saying, he could see right through me. He then turned to Zia who was busy explaining to Felix's parents on the phone that he was alright. I must admit, it was kind of funny seeing Zia using modern technology. She was just starting to get the hang of it though but, she used to be must worse with this. Carter looked at me again, "You can talk to me if you need to, alright?" He said this more often nowadays.

"Yeah, I know, I know." I responded shoving him away, "Go talk to your girlfriend, I'm going to head to school now so I'm not late." He gave me a half smile before walking over to Zia who was frantically trying to assure Felix's mom that he was just at school. It was nice seeing Carter and Zia together but, it also reminded me how I wanted to be loved. It was pathetic but I really just wanted someone like that. What was even more pathetic was the fact that I wanted that person to be the Egyptian god of funerals and death, Anubis. I hadn't seen him for nearly three years now. He probably forgot about me but I'd sulk over that in two days on my birthday. On that day it would be three years since I have felt his surprisingly warm lips on mine. That kiss was stuck in my mind when I thought about it I would blush all over again at the memory. I probably would never feel that way again and there was no doubt about it.

I looked back at the couples and soon to be couples of Brooklyn House, sighed and walked out the house to start another torturous day of high school.

[Hope you all liked it :)]

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