An Unwanted Visitor Intrudes My Privacy

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It was Friday, but I stayed home from school. I would've gone, but I had to talk to Zia. I was beginning to get worried. She didn't leave her room yesterday not even for training. I was still upset about how things ended up for Carter and Zia. They were both needed each other and it upset me when people broke up. I hated when I broke up with Walt becuase he looked sad about it, but it was better for both of us. The only reason she was here right now was because Carter cared enough and found her. I still didn't understand why he  broke up with her, I would expect it to be the other way around. I wish I could've helped them somehow, but I was helpless in that situatuion. I slowly walked down the hall where the rooms were and knocked on Zia's door.

Zia opened the door and raised an eyebrow at me though I could tell that she knew why I was here,  "Yes?" There were dark circles under her eyes and her eyes nervously darted around her surroundings. Carter probably looked even worse today, he probably went to school to avoid conversation with either me or Zia. Maybe even both of us.

I bit the inside of my cheek thinking about where to start, I didn't want to restate all of the drama. I finally formed words in my brain and said, "What's going on, Zia? I mean... between you and Cart-"

She shut the door in my face without another word.

I was thinking about barging in there again, but there was no point. Carter would probably be easier to talk to about this. He was less guarded so he could probably somewhat explain, I'd have to be prepared to actually care about him again. We normally only have brother/sister moments when both of our lives suddenly get bad. I muttered a curse or two before walking into my room.

My room was more like my own personal museum, I was a photo hoarder. I had multiple polaroids, photobooth pictures, paper ones that I printed from my computer, and many more. I also had multiple posters from bands I liked, my Adele faze was way over. The walls were painted a vibrant shade of blue, Carter said it was just as loud as me. I had a beautiful view out my window. The point is, as I got older my room constantly got changed and remodled. I still had the same picture of my family all together. I threw that one across the room once, because I got mad at my dad. That was the night when he told me that Anubis is off limits for like the millionth time. I remember telling him that I was with Walt and that's the only person that I cared about like that. Then, my mom saw right through me and accused me of my lie. I broke up with him a couple months after that conversation.

I grabbed the framed picture and sat down on my bed cross-legged, running my thumb across the crack in the glass. I really missed having a stable family, it always felt like both of my parents were dead. My mom technically was, but my dad was never the same when he became Osiris. Before I could start crying I placed the photo back down on the nightstand and lied down on my bed. I hoped that I would actually be able to enjoy my birthday for once, Jaz promised to set up a campfire thing for all of us to go to. I wasn't sure if that would end well. I then closed my eyes and fell asleep.


I woke up to the sound of Shelby chasing some of the younger trainees yelling random things that had to do with death. I groaned and rolled over to the side and grabbed my phone next to me. It was eight o'clock at night. I guess I wouldn't be sleeping that much tonight. I groaned, angry with myself for sleeping instead of facing my problems. I sat up on my bed rubbing my eyes sighing. The sky was now pitch black, but Brooklyn made it seem lighter, not too light though. The sky was somehow full of stars which isn't common in the city, but I didn't question it.

I then stood up and went downstairs to get a drink. Once I walked into the kitchen I heard two quiet voices. Those voices belonged to Carter and Zia I almost sighed with relief. I looked around the corner to get a better view. Carter had both of Zia's hands in his he was looking into her eyes quite intensely, "I should have thought more before I acted... I didn't know exactly what was going on. I just assumed." He looked down sheepishly.

Zia stepped forward placing a hand on the side of his face she managed a small but kind of sad smile, "I love you, Carter. It's only you. It's always been."

They kissed and I wanted to gag, but also smile at the same time. I decided now would be the great time to walk in and grab my glass of water. I did so and snickered before walking out of the room feeling two sets of eyes on me. I laughed to myself before jogging back upstairs to my room. I opened the door and walked in setting down the glass on my desk then when I looked up I gasped.

No, no, no. He couldn't be here.

But, he was. He stood near one of my walls that was littered with those random photos I have kept. His dark hair, gorgeous eyes, perfect lips, perfect everything, was right in front of me. What made me even more weirded out was the fact that he was staring at me. Like, there's a difference between looking at someone and staring. Looking at someone doesn't really mean much, staring is basically the opposite. He looked at me with a look that I could not explained, he seemed almost if he were grateful I was here. Of course, I didn't know how to react so I calmly crossed my arms, "What are you doing... in my room?" I raised an eyebrow at him.

He blushed, something that only I could make him do, "I was just... Sadie, we have to talk."

"You know what, Anubis. I don't really want to talk to you." Again, I surprise myself with my actions all the time, "I mean, you can't blame me. When someone doesn't bother to talk with you for years. You sometimes start to feel a little upset."

"Sadie I-"

"No, listen to me. I broke up with Walt because of you, I lost contact with my friends because of you, my life is a fucking disaster because of..." My voice trailed off once I saw the look on his face. It was a mixture of confusion, disbelief, guilt, and sadness. Sometimes he seemed so sensitive.

Something changed in his expression again, it was anger, but for some reason I didn't think he was angry with me. He took a few steps forward so he standing in front of me, I still had to look up at him. "I hope you understood what I said in that letter, Sadie. Three years finally felt like a long time for me. You know why? I was sent to war." The tone of his voice made me flinch, "I'm weak and tired for the first time and I am not handling this well. So, please, I'm asking you to stop being so cold to me. I know you don't want to be."

He was right, but I couldn't just say that. I felt like my mouth had been sewn shut from saying anything else. Anubis's gaze softened a little at my silence and he put his hand under my chin making sure that we made eye contact. "You've changed..." He says sounding somewhat disappointed, "You have no idea how glad I am that I can see your face again, Lady Kane."

"That's a first." I muttered.

To my surprise he managed a weak chuckle, "There she is."

"Yeah, I never left. By the way, the only reason I'm calm now is because I feel bad, don't expect this type of behavior on a normal basis." I announced.

Before I could say something else he pulled me into a tight embrace, "Also, don't tell your father or anyone else that I'm here. I was supposed to stay away for longer, but I had to be here for your birthday." And again Anubis was being sarcastic, that made me feel less uncomfortable. The fact that he was hugging me was enough to make me feel like I was jumping out of an airplane without a parachute. Nothing was different and I asked myself if I still liked him. Why did the answer always have to be yes?

He pulled away and took my hands in his and walked over to my bed and sat down (AUTHORS NOTE: INNOCENTLY YA NASTIES) His eyes began to look more tired than they were before. He leaned in and kissed me on the cheek and I felt myself blushing like an idiot. I assumed that was payback for earlier. He sighed, "I just want to let you know that I'll be here with you more. I promise."

"You promise?" I asked in shock.

"Yes..." He yawned which I found very adorable, "I promise..."

He then passed out from exhaustion, right on my bed. Great. I thought to myself before getting up from the bed quietly and going to my door, locking it, then sitting down with my back against it. I looked over at him. God, he looked so cute when he was asleep. I tried not to think that way, but that was almost impossible. I closed my eyes and tried to act as if he wasn't there, without thinking I fell asleep.

[FINALLY SOME SANUBIS is probably what most of you are thinking also YAY ZARTER. Stay tuned because the rest won't just be fluff, but drama and the occasional fluff. Maybe a zarter make out session... I'm getting carried away what the fuck]

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