Chapter 2

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So I've been thinking about how I'm supposed to make Noah spill it. Mabey I can ask him for his phone to call my mom for some reason.

I hope he gives it to me because I NEED to see who he's texting. Anyways,I'm at school so I hope he's here because if he's not..I'm soooooo done!

"Hey Michelle" Noah said walking my way. "Hey Noah,can I use your phone real quick?" I asked moving my head to the side and furrowing my eyebrows together.

"U-uhhh..w-why?" He asked panicking. "To call my mom. Why,is there something you want to tell me? Are you hiding something behind my back?" I asked moving closer to him. He walked backwards until he hit the lockers.

"N-no!" He said sweating. "Then give. me. your. PHONE!" I demanded,grinding my teeth of anger.

He reached over to grab his phone,and handed it to me. "Thank you,now was that so hard?" I asked in a sarcastic tone.

"Yes,I MEAN NO! no i-it wasn't" He said stuttering once again.

"Well makeup your mind!" I said going through his phone. I didn't see anything. No girls phone numbers all I see is his mom and me.

I "call" my mom and tell her that she left that I gave her. I don't even know..

"Thank you Noah!" I said handing his phone back. "Uh,your welcome?" He said more like a question.

"Bye.." I said walking away. He grabbed my arm and pulled me close to him. "What?" I asked annoyed. "I have to tell you something" He said looking down. "Well hurry up 'cause we gotta get to class" I whined.

"I-....I-....I-" "SPILL IT OUT BOY!" I yelled,hitting the back of his head. "I'M GOING TO BOARDING SCHOOL!!" He blurted out.

My mouth dropped to the floor. I'm shocked,I don't even know what to say. I raised my hand and he shut his eyes tightly.

"You know what,I'm done with all this" I said with tears threatening to spill. "Done with.....what?" He asked slowly opening his eyes. "Your not going to boarding school,your lying" I said sighing.

"No,I'm serious about this Michelle. I'm REALLY going to a boarding school in Ohio" he said sadly. "W-wait are you....for real?" I asked with tears now streaming down my face.

He nodded and frowned. "When?" I asked rushing to know the answer. "Tomorrow" he said opening his locker. "Ok well,can you please call me or text me at least two times a day?" I asked biting my lip,hoping he'll say yes.

"Sure,I'll try" he said shrugging. "Ok then,I'm all happy now!" I said and went on my tippy toes to give him a quick kiss.

"But then I'm sad because I can't see you" I said hugging his torso since he's taller then me. I frowned at the thought of him leaving.

"I'll vist for the holidays though" He said smiling sweetly. "Okay so can we go to dinner so we can have one last time together?" I asked giving a sad smile. I waited for his answer.

"...........of course" he said smiling sweetly. "Oh my god,really?" I asked jumping up and down of happiness.

"Yes I promise" he said giving me a hug. "Ok well I got to go,the bell is gonna ring in a minute so I'll see you tonight?" He asked walking backwards to his class.

"Yeah you will!" I said smiling. "Ok cool!" He said before going into his class.

When he left,I did my happy dance. People were looking at me like I was crazy. I stopped and fixed myself "Move along people,nothing to see here.." I said awkwardly.

The bell rang and I went to class. I thought about how our date is gonna be perfect! I'll ask my mom to help me out with the dresses.

"Ms.Kingston,what is the answer to number forty-three?" Mr.Valezques asked me to in a tone like 'I hate my life'. "Uh...five?" I said like a question. "No,it's actually twenty point four" He said shaking his head and face palmed himself. "Alright,moving on" he said going back to the lesson.

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