Chapter 7

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It's been 6 days and I'm close friends with a lot of people. I got to know almost every..except Noah!

I walked to my next class and saw Noah. I walked to him. "Yo, sup bro?" I asked in my guy voice.

"Hey. Have I seen you around..?" He asked skeptically. Speechless. "Uh, no...I'm the new guy Cayden." I said trying to play it off.

He nodded and a girl walked up to him. "Hey, baby!" The girl greeted excitedly. She gave him a peck and I felt tears coming.

I walked away and went to Alice's classroom. I went up to her desk and whispered in her ear. "I saw him kiss another girl and my makeup in running!" I said panicking.

"Excuse me Mr. Colemen but, you do not go to this class until 7th period. I groaned and ran to the girls bathroom. "Ahhhhhh!!!" They all screamed in horror.

"Sorry, sorry!" I said as I ranto a janitor's closet. I looked all ov r the shelves and found bronzer. 'Why would that be in here?' I thought to myself.

I put it on to cover my face. I got out and Alexa was walking pass but stopped and noticed me. I swore under my breath and put on a fake smile.

"Hey, Cayden. After school, meet me in my dorm because I gotta talk to you." She said frowning. I gave a confused look and shook my head okay.

I walk out and go to class. After school, I told the guys that I was gonna go out with Alice and they were cool with it.

I waited outside her dorm for her and the door opened. I felt two hand grab me and pull me inside. Two african- american lesbians.

"We know your secret!" They said. My heart stopped. "What's my secret?" I asked unsure what they were gonna say.

There was a pause and death glare towards me. "You like Alexa!" They shouted in a good way. "Uh, yeah!" I said going along with it. My heart continued to thump.

"Don't worry, we won't tell!" One of them said. I gave a fake smile and then the door opened. It was Alexa.

"Oh, hey Cayden." I waved at her with a smile. The girls looked at me and left the room. "So, what did you want me to talk about?"

She sat down on her bean bag chair and she told me to get one too. "I just wanted to know if you wanna be my date to the dance tomorrow?" She asked.

I was silent. She opened her mouth to say something. "If you don't, that totally fine because I could go with another guy!" She said looking kinda sad.

I frowned. "Sorry Alexa, I was gonna go with Alice!" I said looking down. I looked up at her and she looked really sad. "That's okay.." She said getting up.

She opened the door and I got out. I went to Alice's room and told her every thing. "You should go with her!" She said eating the last cherry.

"Her roommates though that I liked her. I mean, we do hang out a lot and I'm getting know her better and she's nice, funny, every nice character trait you can think of, that what she is!" I said gazing into the ceiling.

I looked at Alice and she gave me a look. "What about me??" She said angrily. I looked around. "Yeah!" I said laughing. She smiled and went on the laptop.

She went to go online and ordered a suit and tie. "No! Then I'm going to have to wear the cummerbund!" I whined. She gave me a are-you-seirous-right-now? look.

I took of my guy clothes and wigs and fake stuff on me. I went in the shower and no one was there luckily. I got out and went to Alice's room again. I thought and cried.

"Gurl, why you crying?" She asked. "I saw Noah kissing another girl and I just thought about it!" I said crying even more. She comforted me and I stopped.

I looked her and said I don't wanna be Cayden anymore.


Short chapter but I will update soon. Byeeeeeee!

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