Chapter #2

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That night while all the boys were asleep James grabbed the second envelope from the parcel and locked himself in their hotel rooms bathroom. Using the light off his phone he ripped the smooth , white envelope open to reveal the letter.

Dear James ,


After much thought I decided to write again. You won’t read these so it doesn’t matter what I say in these because you will never find out. You’ll be too busy in hotel rooms with thousands of fans taking on the world with your four best friends. I never had a best friend until Charlotte came along. James , she was so pretty with her golden hair and brown eyes. I was so jealous of her but she told me that I should be happy with myself. I wish she was still here. I miss her so much. She was so wise and helped me a lot through the pain after all the operations.

Operations? James asked himself mentally. He wanted to know why she had them and how long they were for. He read on , hoping that she would tell him the answers.

But she's gone now. All I have is Sharni but she's not much for me. She's supposed to help me out by getting me to talk to her about all my problems. Sharni has helped heaps of people but she isn’t helping me. I haven’t told her yet about me writing these to you. She only told me to write everything down on paper then burn it so I could concentrate on the future. I tried that James , I really tried but it didn’t work. The problems are still there.  I told her that and she said that I have to move on. I didn’t say anything after that. I think she guessed that what she had said affected me so she told me to grow up. Sharni isn’t very nice unlike what all the others say. Maybe it’s a personality clash... but I haven’t got to know her yet. She only wants me to talk about me , myself and I. I thought people like her were supposed to tell us about themselves so we feel more comfortable around them. I tried to tell my doctor but she shook her head and I quote “Nonsence. Sharni is very good at her job and you should appreciate what she is trying to do for you”

No one around here is nice. Charlotte was the only one who understood me. None of the doctors , nurses and Sharni liked her. They all said that she just got to emotionally attached to patients and when they left that she would run away crying. I overheard them say once that she should quit her job or try another career if she can’t handle death. I felt so sorry for her because they were talking about her behind her back. I told her what they said and she burst into tears. I hugged her and realised how much I loved her. Not in the lovers way like you love Veronica but the friend’s way. I never knew what it felt like to love someone like her. I was never taught about love but I know the difference.

 James felt a pang of sadness inside. This Charlotte lady seemed to have a huge effect on Elsie in so many ways. Elsie had said something about her being gone. James wondered where Charlotte had gone. Had she quit? Had she gone and decided to study another career like the doctors had suggested? He had figured that Elsie was at a hospital a lot as she mentioned the doctors and nurses. James had no idea what Charlotte was at the hospital. He thought she might be Elsies old doctor that left or a nurse that used to work there. Sharni sounded like a councellor as she was suggesting things that might help Elsie through whatever she was going through.

I'm not sure what else to say James. I feel like I've said too much about me already when it's the second letter and I've only mentioned a little bit about Charlotte , the operations and Sharni. Goldie , my goldfish is watching me in her tank. She's the only pet I'm allowed as she's easy to take care of. Goldies my only friend. Yes , I am friends with a goldfish , but she's all I've got. She watches over me while I sleep and during the day I watch her sleep - or so the nurses say. They treat me like a five year old here but I'm three times older than that. I'm sixteen for goodness sakes!

It's time to go now. The nurse said it's time for lights out and that it's nice to see me writing and keeping my strengths up. I bet you she really doesn't care , and is only here for the money.

Lots of love ,


James smiled sadly. Only a goldfish as a pet to keep her company. What a sad time she must be having. They treat me like a five year old kept running through his head. He couldn't imagine what that would be like for her. He wished he could just give Elsie a big hug and tell her everything is alright but he knew he couldn't. He had no way of contacting her. He had hardly heard anything about Elsie but yet he felt sorry for her. James stuffed the paper back into the envelope and tip toed back into the bedroom where the boys slept. He put the envelope with the other ones and sunk into his bed dreaming about what Elsie had told him.

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