Chapter #8

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Dear James,

I wasn’t particularly sure how to start this letter, I’m just so excited. I rewrote this several times and decided with the first copy.

I met the Riddell family today. They’re my new parents apparently. Marlene and Andrew (They’re husband and wife) have a girl called Lolita who’s my age. They don’t seem to be concerned that I’ve had…

Anyway I’ve added a picture of me with Lolita – I’m the one on the left. They’re such a lovely family and I know I’m going to like it there.

The Riddell’s live on a farm with many paddocks surrounding the two story red brick house. There’s a pet Labrador called Spike and he’s really excitable. I can’t wait to move in. Just a few more papers and days then I’m finally happy. I’ll be happy for the first time in my life.

Charlotte would be happy too if she was still here. She was with me for so long and, well, I feel she is still looking over me – that she’s sticking with me every step of the way. I sometimes just get this warm feeling run through me and I believe it’s her telling me “everything’s going to be alright, I’m here”

Call me crazy all you want but it’s true.

Love from,


At the  back of the refill paper was a square shaped photo of a waterfall with two girls smiling, looking like they had never been more happier than right there and then. The girl on the right had curly, honey coloured hair, golden skin, stick thin body and a tall figure – she was a real beauty. Then there was one on the left. Snow white skin, slim, and long, light chocolate hair plaited into a braid down her shoulder.

“Elsie” James breathed. “You’re a stunner”

“Who?” Jai peered around the door of James’ hotel room. “The girl?”

“There’s a picture of her” James grinned excitedly. “Take a look”

Jai held it carefully on his fingertips as he inspected the two girls. “What one is she?”

“The left”

“She’s gorgeous” He admitted. “I’d date her any day of the week if I was single”

“I wouldn’t think Elsie would be your type” James frowned.

“It doesn’t matter. She’s an amazing girl from what I’ve read”

“We need to find her”

“No news from Jeremy” Jai sighed heavily and ruffled his hair. “He said he’s working on it”

“You told him?” James asked, alarmed.

“I had to” Jai explained. “We wouldn’t be able to get in contact with her otherwise”

“She’s in Scotland somewhere”

“Phonebook!” Jai shouted suddenly. “Has she mentioned a surname in any of her letters?”

“Riddell” James said slowly. “Why?”

“They’ll be in the Scotland phonebook won’t they?” Jai grabbed James’ laptop from its place on the bedside table and started it up.

“That’s a good idea” James nodded in agreement.

Jai searched up for the Scotland phone numbers and typed in ‘Riddell’ in the surnames search box. Numerous families appeared and the boys looked through them.

“Marlene and Andrew Riddell” James murmured. “Daughter Lolita”

“A and M Riddell” Jai announced. “Stirlingshire, Scotland”

“What does this mean?” James asked.

“I think we’ve got a link to Elsie”

Picture of what Elsie looks like on the side :) Finally get to know what she looks like yay!

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