Prophecy of the goddess

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  The fates sat together. Their faces solemn, looking at their once most prized creations, the werewolves.      

The same thought ran through all of their heads as they watched as people were slaughtered, buildings were burned and children cried.               
How did it get so bad.        

They felt nothing but disappointment as they watched the beings they once held tremendous pride for, become their own destruction.                         

But none of their conditions were worse than Diana's. Diana- commonly known as the moon goddess.  Diana felt something deeper than the fates. She felt hurt. She was in tremendous pain as she watched her children fall  lifelessly to the ground. One by one, every 3 seconds, someone, somewhere would  die, leaving the moon goddess in agony as she felt each of her children's emotions.                         

A tear slid down Diana's check as she watched another person die.

"All this bloodshed, for what? Power? Land? What has happened to our beautiful creations my queen? How do we fix this?" The fates muttered

"It is the king that is the problem." Diana mumbled under her breath. "If all this chaos is for power, then we will show them power. I will create a child, a daughter, she will be the most powerful being ever created, she will be more powerful than all of you and myself put together. She will rule the entire werewolf race alongside her mate and they shall bring peace to the world. But-"
Diana proclaimed

"But? There is always a but isn't there." One of the fates sighed.

Diana looked at him wth sorrow-filled-eyes. "She will have to live a very hard life. It will be painful, and I am not sure if she will be able to survive."

"But why must she live through so much pain your majesty?"

"You cannot rule a race unless you have experienced everything. She will experience the happiest of joy....... But she will also have to face the deepest of pains. This will make her stronger. But I am afraid of what might happen if she breaks. If she cannot handle it."

"....... She is going to be the mate of the future King isn't she?" Said one of the fates, in disbelief.

Diana smiled at him. "Yes, she is. He will lead the entire werewolf nation to extinction with his hunger for power, if we do not help him. He is fated to experience only pain, this will not make for a good leader. This is the only option I can think of, that can bring him happiness. I never assigned him a mate, no regular wolf would be strong enough to be mates with him. But my daughter will. She will break his cold exterior, she will bring light to his darkness, then they will rule together and bring peace to the world."

"What if he breaks her first?"

"That my dear fate, is what I am afraid of."

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