Chapter 1

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I wish I could say that I woke up to the birds chirping and a smile on my face....... But that would be a total and complete lie. I woke up to the lyrics of the song 'One Dance' by Drake. Here's a tip, if you ever feel like wanting to hate a song so much, you want to rip your ears off every time you hear it: then set it as your alarm tone.

"Aur! Alexa will be here soon. You better have your butt ready in 15 minutes!!!"  My oh-so-loving mother yelled

"Okay okay! Jheez woman," I yelled back.

             I rushed to the bathroom and brushed my teeth and showered.  I brushed my hair and just left it how it was cause it looked cute, then I put on a plain white shirt, a black adidas track jacket, black jeans with rips in the knees and my black adidas originals. Can you guess my favorite colour? And before anyone corrects me, I don't care what anyone says black will always be a colour to me!

                 I rushed downstairs and grabbed a granola bar and a juice box since I didn't have time for breakfast, and rushed out the door just as Alexa's black Range Rover pulled into the driveway.  I mentally high-fived myself as I made my way into her car for getting ready on time...for once.

"Hey bitch! You're actually ready on time for once. Thank god 'cause I really didn't want to haul your ass out of your bed like yesterday,"  Alexa said, chuckling as she remembered the events of yesterday morning.

I just rolled my eyes and said, "It's not my fault you unplugged my alarm clock to plug in your phone charger and then forgot to tell me to plug it back in.  So technically it's your fault we were late."

"Whatever," she muttered, and turned on the radio. I just laughed at her antics, and the rest of the car ride was spent with us jamming to the radio.

          We made it to school 30 minutes early. Alexa liked to get to school earlier 'cause she wanted to spend time with Aiden her mate, aka: the alpha of my pack.  Oh did I forget to mention that I'm a werewolf, whoops my bad. Well I am and yes my best friend is the Luna of my pack. And yes the LUNA is best friends with an omega aka: me. Yup, I'm an omega, the lowest rank in my pack. No, I'm not ashamed of it and I don't get treated poorly (which I am very grateful for). And NO, I am not weak. Neither is my mom, nor my dad.  In my pack the only ranks that matter are the alpha, beta and gamma. Other than that we are all equal and we are all warriors. That's why my pack is one of the strongest in the world, because everyone is treated fairly and everyone is trained for combat.  The children start training at the age of 8 but don't start fighting in battles until they turn 16 and shift into their wolves, and start learning how to fight in wolf form.  I am the best warrior in my pack, I don't wanna brag but I could actually take down Aiden any day, not that I would. The alpha life chose him, not me, and I don't want it either.

              My pack is the Goddess pack, because according to the prophecy of the goddess, the daughter of the moon goddess is supposed to be born in that pack.  Which is kinda true I guess since she is in the pack but she wasn't born there, because well.. Gods and goddesses can't be born, they are created Duhh. I would know better than anyone, since I AM the daughter of the said moon goddess so ya.

             Now, some of you may be wondering, why the heck the daughter of the moon goddess is an omega. Well that's because I can't shift. Well I can, but I can't shift in front of people and let them see the colour of my wolf. That would show everyone that I am the moon goddess' daughter, which I obviously can't tell people.

                 The only people who know are Aiden, Alexa and my mom because they were there when I first shifted.  To be honest it really sucks sometimes, to not be able to shift, it gives everyone else the advantage. But what I lack in wolf form I make up in human form. Aiden secretly trains me in my wolf form, so I'm not completely useless in it. I've gotten pretty good at that too.

                When Alexa and I walk into school everyone bows- at her since she's the Luna- and smiles at me cause' I'm actually nice to people.  Contrary to most teen romance books, you don't have to be a bitch to be popular!  Shocker, I know.

"Heyy guys!  Have you heard  the amazing news?"  Says Olivia from behind us, one of Alexa's groupies. Alexa is not the queen bitch type( obviously or else I wouldn't be friends with her), but for some reason all these girls who want to be in the populars' inner circle, thought it would be a good idea to make an army of groupies that follow Alexa and I around like lost puppies.

"Hey Liv' " we said, in unison, I gave her a 'kill me now' look before we both turned around to face her.

"So, rumor has it that the Alpha King is coming to visit all of the packs. No one know why, but apparently he's coming to our pack today" she whispered, before looking around to make sure nobody else heard.

Now usually I wouldn't believe nor care about whatever stupid gossip is going around, but for some reason this caught my attention. Could the Alpha King really be coming here. If so, why? The Alpha King, Alpha Xander (pronounced Zander), the King of the entire werewolf species, was known to be ruthless and cruel. It is said that he is so cruel, the moon goddess didn't give him a mate because she didn't want her to have to suffer the terrible fate of being the king's mate. Having a man like that in my pack should make me feel uneasy, but I don't. I'm not afraid of the King, even though I probably should be, there is no reason to be afraid of something unless it has given you a reason to be. The stories don't scare me, who knows what is true and what isn't.

"What business could he possibly have with our pack?" says Alexa.

"Could who have?" We hear behind us. We turn around to see Aiden.

"Alpha" Olivia and I say, bowing our heads. Alexa just smiles and kisses him. Ew.

"Alpha Zander. Apparently he has been going around all the packs and he is coming to ours today" Alexa notifies him.

"Oh yeah, he is. I was actually just looking for you to tell you about it," he says. wrapping an arm around Alexa's waist. "He says that he's just doing check ups to make sure everything is in order, but I think that's there's more to it than that."

Interesting. Right as he says that we hear the sound of a loud engine. We look towards the road and see a series of black Range Rovers zooming down the street towards the pack house. I feel my wolf getting angsty and I have no idea why. Aiden, Alexa and I look at each other and make our way to the pack house to greet our guests. Once we get there, I smell the most amazing smell. That can only mean one thing...... I make eye contact with someone,

"Mate" we whisper in unison.

Holy mother of cows.
Soooooo that was the first chapter!!!!! Did you like it?????? It's summer for me right now so I'll be updating way more often. All I've been doing the past couple of days is reading watt pad books and I guess you can say I'm inspired :))

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Okay byeeeee booos

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2017 ⏰

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