60 19 14

So, my friend treadcautiously posted this in one of her books and I thought why not try it?

Age- 16 soon to be 17.

Biggest fear- nightmares (sleep paralysis).

Current time- 9:26 PM

Drink I last had - iced coffee.

Easiest people to talk to-
potatoez3 treadcautiously

Favorite movie- Hmm, there's a lot. Can't decide.

Grossest memory- can't recall anything at the moment.

Hometown- Al-Fayum (Egypt)

In love with- Dylan O'Brian ♡♡

Jealous of- no one, maybe there's but I don't recall :3

Killed someone?- if fictional book characters don't count then nope ^^

Longest relationship - a whole day with my pillow ^-^

Middle Name- non

Number of siblings- 4

One wish- finish my senior year peacefully and become a famous writer! =D (I Know That's Like 2 Wishes "^-^!)

Person I last called- Dad.

Question I'm always asked- Are you really a senior? (I don't look like an average Senior, which is really irritating ><!)

Reason to smile- food, friends, Teen wolf :)

Song last sang- waiting on the light to change by Matthew Perryman Jones.

Time I woke up- 3 pm

Underwear colour- -__-

Vacation destination- countryside.

Worst habit- bitting my lips most of the time >.<

X-rays I've had- couple of chest X-rays.

Your favorite food - pizza! Duh!

Zodiac sign- *shrugs* not interested in them.

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