From The Sea

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Hola guys! I'm Izzy-- in case you didn't already know, and this is my second fanfic. I'm in the middle of one called A Change in the Wind, so please go check that out!
  Disclaimer: so, it is to my deep and utter regret that I do not own Pirates of the Caribbean. But as Jack says, "Just close your eyes and pretend it's all a dream; that's how I get by." Now, without further ado, on with the story!
   The ocean crashed against the shore as Admiral Norrington stared moodily out his window at the pouring rain. The steady pounding drilled a steady rhythm onto his roof. He had a looming premonition that something was about to happen that would define all of his future years.
At that very moment, a girl was staggering onto shore; seeming to come from the waves themselves. Her long white hair had a slight wave to it, and her turquoise eyes; pierced through with crystal blue seemed to hold the knowledge of centuries, and drill into your soul. Her bearing was that of a royal, and her features were striking and well shaped. However, the most surprising features about her were the two vertical cuts in between her shoulder blades. These cuts were bleeding, and seemed to make her off balance. She reached the shore and collapsed onto a smooth rock.
It was the morning after the storm and Admiral Norrington was taking a stroll on the strip of beach next to his mansion. As he walked, he pondered the feeling that he had had the night before. However, before he could come to a conclusion, he saw a body stretched out, face first on a rock.

Norrington rushed forwards and saw that the figure was that of a girl, and she was bleeding heavily from two wounds on her back, where something appeared to have been cut off.

Norrington put his fingers to her neck. Her pulse was there, but only just. It was a weak flutter against his hand. He gingerly lifted the girl up into his arms and carried her to the nearest place that he could get assistance.
Several hours later, there was a disturbance in a hospital ward. "Let me out!" A girl screamed hysterically while being restrained by multiple guards, "I do not belong here! Take me home!" Her voice broke, "Please take me home." She collapsed limply on the floor. As the guards bent down to check if she was okay, she elbowed them in their faces and shins. They collapsed to the ground in intense pain, and she ran off.

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