Rescue or Nah

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"Jack!" I hissed, poking the prone pirate, "Jack!" I whispered, poking him with more intensity. "Whatever happened to you keeping watch for us, huh? You idiot! You could have gotten us both killed!"
"Hm?" He mumbled, turning to face me and recoiling when he saw my livid face just a few inches from his. "Oh! Watch, right! That watch! I figured we wouldn't need it since we were so well hidden." BI rolled my eyes and glanced up at the rafters of the smithy.
"We are behind a hay barrel in a blacksmithy. That's not exactly a perfect hiding spot!" He glanced down to avoid my piercing gaze, and I pulled him up off the ground. "C'mon, there is something a bit more portentous than a bad hiding spot that we have to address."
                         • • •
    We peered through what was left of a smithy window to see chaos and madness ensuing in the town. As I watched, a woman was cut down by a dark skinned man with a cutlass. I peered out of the corner of my eye to watch Jack's expression. Strangely, it seemed to be a look of recognition. "Who are they, Jack?" I queried. He merely shook his head in reply sand jumped through the broken window and into the fray, towing me along.
                           • • •
       "They took Elizabeth!" I hear an outraged voice cry as I gaze around at the after battle madness in the town square. I casually glance at the owner of the voice and do a double take when I see Will yelling at the newly christened commodore while holding an axe.
       "Will!" I shouted, getting his attention, and motioning for him to come over to me. He rolls his eyes but reluctantly comes over anyways. "Will honey," I daid calmly, "you know the commodore will never go after Elizabeth the most efficient way. Come, I have an idea."
                         • • •
    "Wait," Will reiterates, "you are saying that you want me, Port Royal's second biggest pirate hater to go cavorting off with on of the most wanted pirates in the world and my adopted sister-turned-pirate to save Elizabeth?" I glanced at Jack.
    "Yep," he replied jovially, "pretty much!"
    "And we are planning on stealing the fastest ship in the ocean?"
    "Second only to The Black Pearl," Jack corrected.
     "Wait!" I cried, "you said we, Will! Does that mean you are coming?"
       "Well," he replied, "I can't let the girl who hired me go off alone with a pirate." I rolled my eyes.
       "Yeah, I'm sure it had nothing to do with your dolly Ol' belle, Lizzie."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2016 ⏰

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